Investor advisors defend nanotech against FUD

Carl Wherrett and John Yelovich over at The Motley Fool investor website take on the purveyors of FUD (a derogatory term implying the unreasonable or excessive promotion of fear, uncertainty, and doubt) on nanotechnology: “We are not advocating simply ignoring basic health and safety concerns as they may relate to nanotech, but we strongly urge… Continue reading Investor advisors defend nanotech against FUD

DuPont gets investor kudos for nanotech responsibility

The Motley Fool’s Jack Uldrich on DuPont: “Essentially, DuPont is publicly acknowledging that there are possible risks in nanoscale material and nanoparticles; and it’s actively working to identify and — if feasible — minimize or eliminate those risks as quickly and efficiently as possible… “DuPont’s stance is a refreshing change from your typical corporate position,… Continue reading DuPont gets investor kudos for nanotech responsibility

Nano Today: free supplement to Materials Today

From the folks who bring you Materials Today (i.e., Elsevier), there’s also Nano Today. It’s an occasional supplement to the main publication, both of which are free of charge to those who meet their circulation profile. Sign up here. Selected articles are available free to all on the Nano Today website. For the December 2005… Continue reading Nano Today: free supplement to Materials Today

Average investors discouraged in finding nanotech pure-play

Chuck Jaffe of MarketWatch discourages average investors from investing in today’s early nano fund: “It’s not that nanotechnology is a bad business or that exchange-traded funds are a poor idea. It’s that the combination of the two, at this point in time, can’t deliver what investors like Roger really want, namely an intense focus on… Continue reading Average investors discouraged in finding nanotech pure-play

NanoBusiness Alliance joins call for nanosafety funding

In an op-ed in the Ft. Wayne News Sentinel picked up by Knight Ridder, the NanoBusiness Alliance joined with Environmental Defense in calling for increased nanosafety funding by the U.S. federal government: “For a technology as new, untested and potentially pervasive as this, we should be spending at least 10 percent of our research budget,… Continue reading NanoBusiness Alliance joins call for nanosafety funding

Nanofilm president on nano for the environment

Scott Rickert, chief executive of Nanofilm and a Foresight Participating Member, writes in Industry Week on his work to advance both nanotech and nanosafety: “I saw the process in action this autumn when I joined a session of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Nanotechnology Work Group. This newly formed committee, which consists of stakeholders from science,… Continue reading Nanofilm president on nano for the environment

First nanoproduct endorsement

Nanodot and Foresight do not normally do product endorsements, but here’s a first from Foresight director Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, regarding his Thanksgiving experiment with near-term nano: “I never bought the nano-pants, but I cooked (and ate) all day yesterday in this “Nano-Tex” stain-resistant shirt and, well, it works — it looked just as fresh… Continue reading First nanoproduct endorsement

Ground zero for nano controversy: Berkeley, of course

From Michael Toffel in the Berkeley Daily Planet: “…I asked the City of Berkeley’s Community Environmental Advisory Commission (CEAC), of which I am a member, to consider a draft motion calling for the City Council to ask a similar set of questions. This motion simply asks LBL to: 1. Publicly disclose how they are identifying… Continue reading Ground zero for nano controversy: Berkeley, of course

Medical privacy: lack thereof

Prof. Alan Goldstein, who debated Ron Bailey on nanoethics at the Foresight Vision Weekend, writes on the effect of nanomedicine on medical privacy in Salon: “And by the way, the proliferation of unique molecular identifiers will make medical privacy an impossibility because, ultimately, these types of data cannot be encrypted. The medium is the message.… Continue reading Medical privacy: lack thereof

In this corner: Darrell Brookstein…

In blog/nano, Darrell Brookstein takes a competitor to task, characterizing an ad for the Forbes Wolfe Nanotech Report as “rabidly hyped-up.” On another topic: for those loyal Nanodot readers who are seeing this on Thanksgiving, may you enjoy eating the products of “Nature’s Nanotechnology” with family and friends today. For those outside the U.S., similar… Continue reading In this corner: Darrell Brookstein…

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