Foresight co-founder among panelists discussing role of technology in human existence

Human life after advanced nanotechnology has been developed will be fundamentally different from life up until that point.

Deadline THIS FRIDAY for early rate on Open Science Summit

Excellent lineup of speakers again this year for the Open Science Summit, Oct. 22-23, and you can get in for only $100 if you register by this Friday: Ā Hope to see you there! Ā ā€”Christine Peterson, President, Foresight Institute

Smartphone projects foster discussion of ubiquitous surveillance

Proposed projects to use smartphone networks to gather data and inform authorities are opening discussion of how such data should be used.

Nanotechnology device harvests wasted energy

An energy cell containing a lead zirconate titanate cantilever coated with a carbon nanotube film uses nanotechnology to produce electricity from scavenged light and thermal energy.

Why terrorists are often engineers: implications for nanotechnology

An IEEE Spectrum podcast asks the question, Why Are Terrorists Often Engineers? The blurb: With terrorism back in the news, so, too, is a curious footnote: Of the hundreds of individuals involved in political violence, nearly half of those with degrees have been engineers. This finding, first published in 2008, has been substantiated by two… Continue reading Why terrorists are often engineers: implications for nanotechnology

Don't miss the Open Science Summit, July 29-31, in person or live webcast

TheĀ Open Science Summit on July 29-31 in BerkeleyĀ is looking better and better. Topics include OpenPCR, DIY biology, open source hardware, brain preservation, synthetic biology, gene patents, open data, open access journals, reputation engines, crowd-funding and microfinance for science, citizen science, biohacking, open source biodefense, cure entrepreneurs, open source drug discovery, patent pools, tech transfer, and… Continue reading Don't miss the Open Science Summit, July 29-31, in person or live webcast

Open Science Summit to be streamed live

Not able to attend the Open Science Summit on July 29-31 in Berkeley, California? We’ll miss you, but you can watch the conference live at: Put it on your calendar now! Ā Or we’ll hope to see you in person, especially for the session where I’m speaking: “Safety and Security Concerns, Open Source Biodefense” at… Continue reading Open Science Summit to be streamed live

Open Science Summit 2010, July 29-31, w/ Foresight discount

I’ll be speaking at the following event. If you miss the early registration rate, you can get 20% off regular registration with the discount code ‘Foresight’: Open Science Summit 2010: Updating the Social Contract for Science 2.0 July 29-31 International House Berkeley Ready for a rapid, radical reboot of the global innovation system for… Continue reading Open Science Summit 2010, July 29-31, w/ Foresight discount

IOP comments on Climategate

The UK-based Institute of Physics (IOP) publishes, among other things, the journal Nanotechnology, one of the leading journals in the field, and has had special issues with papers from Foresight conferences gaoing back to the 90s. It was thus somewhat surprising, yet gratifying, to find them submitting quite a strongly-worded critique of practices in climatology… Continue reading IOP comments on Climategate

Merkle wins Hamming Medal with Diffie, Hellman

Foresight Institute Feynman Prize winner Dr. Ralph Merkle, perhaps better known to Nanodot readers for his nanotech work, has just won the IEEE’s Hamming Medal along with Martin Hellman and Whitfield Diffie: Thirty-five years ago, Martin Hellman, Whitfield Diffie and Ralph Merkle developed an easy method for sending secure messages over insecure channels. With the… Continue reading Merkle wins Hamming Medal with Diffie, Hellman

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