We found 15 results for your search.

Cotranscriptional folding of single RNA strand added to nanotechnology toolkit

RNA origami brings new dimensions to nucleic acid nanotechnology by exploiting the much greater variety of RNA structural motifs (compared to DNA) to do what cannot easily be done with DNA origami, like fold into predetermined nanostructures rapidly while being transcribed.

Artificial enzymes created from building blocks not found in nature

Artificial enzymes have been created from nucleic acids that use synthetic molecules instead of ribose or deoxyribose sugars.

New online game to design RNA molecules: advancing nanotechnology?

A new online game allows players to design RNA molecules. The most promising designs are synthesized, and the players given real-world feedback on how well their designs worked.

New electron diffraction method for nanotechnology determines nanostrucutres in days instead of years

Automated diffraction tomography provides rapid determination of structure of zeolite to atomic precision.

Protein, RNA, DNA: Nanotechnology finds a multitude of paths to attack cancer cells

Protein, RNA, DNA provide very different molecular architectures for nanotechnology to adopt to deliver drugs to cancer cells while sparing healthy cells.

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