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About Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology draws its name from the prefix “nano”. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter—a distance equal to two to twenty atoms (depending on what type of atom) laid down next to each other. Nanotechnology refers to manipulating the structure of matter on a length scale of some small number of nanometers, interpreted by different… Continue reading About Nanotechnology

Our History

30 Years of Foresight Timeline 1986 – 2016     Part I – The Ultimate Manufacturing Technology Part II – Promoting Understanding, Building Community Part III – A Roadmap Part IVI – Moving Toward a World of Human Flourishing   Part I – The Ultimate Manufacturing Technology   A. Founding Vision The Foresight Institute was founded… Continue reading Our History

Molecular – Workshops & Reports

2023 Molecular Systems Design Complex molecular machines system design could be sped up by integrating emerging approaches and advancements on the software and simulation-side. Some areas were highlighted by our 2022 workshop, some are entirely new. This two-day event invites leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders to put the pieces together and drive progress towards the original… Continue reading Molecular – Workshops & Reports

Allison Duettmann | PRESIDENT & CEO

Allison Duettmann PRESIDENT & CEO Allison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Programs, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees, and shares this work with the public. She founded Existentialhope.com, co-edited Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy, co-authored Gaming the Future, and co-initiated The Longevity Prize. She advises companies and projects, such as… Continue reading Allison Duettmann | PRESIDENT & CEO

Ravi Pandya, Tad Hogg | Molecular Machines: Computing

Presenters Ravi Pandya, Microsoft Research Ravi Pandya is a Principal Software Architect at Microsoft Research.  He had a startup called Hyperchem which dealt with molecular mechanics and gave him his start in nanotechnology.  He presented to Xanadu, where he met with Eric Drexler.  Ravi started moving into genomics and biotech, and is currently working on… Continue reading Ravi Pandya, Tad Hogg | Molecular Machines: Computing


Foresight Prizes Hall of Fame 2022 Foresight Prizes Theoretical: James R. Chelikowsky (University of Texas) Experimental: Sergei V. Kalinin (University of Tennessee nanotechnology) Distinguished Student Award: Dr. Emanuele Penocchio   2021 Foresight Prizes Theoretical: Kendall N. Houk (UCLA) Experimental: Anne-Sophie Duwez (University of Liège) Distinguished Student Award: Yuanning Feng (Northwestern University)   2020 Foresight Prizes Theoretical: Prof.… Continue reading test

Foresight Feynman Prizes

Nomination Form Closing date for applications is July 31, 2024. A brief history: The Feynman Prizes are named in honor of the physicist Richard Feynman. In 1959, Feynman gave a talk titled ‘There’s Plenty Of Room At The Bottom’, which is considered by many industry advocates to have inspired the field of nanotechnology itself.  About: With the Feynman… Continue reading Foresight Feynman Prizes

Nominations for 2021 Feynman Prize, Student Award are Open

2021 NOMINATIONS: FORESIGHT FEYNMAN PRIZE & DISTINGUISHED STUDENT AWARD 2021 Nominations for Foresight Feynman Prize & Distinguished Student Award are open. These Foresight prizes are given in honor of Richard P. Feynman who, in 1959, gave a visionary talk at Caltech in which he suggested that “the problems of chemistry and biology can be greatly… Continue reading Nominations for 2021 Feynman Prize, Student Award are Open

New Report on Healing the Planet + videos, and how you can help

ATOMIC PRECISION FOR HEALING THE PLANET:   Read the report, watch the videos, join the effort.   We must start removing carbon from the atmosphere. We must remove a trillion tons of CO2 over the next 50 years. This is a daunting task, but not impossible. This workshop designed and proposed several potential solutions and… Continue reading New Report on Healing the Planet + videos, and how you can help

May Update: how Foresight has been advancing nanotech, AI, cybersecurity, longevity, x-hope, strengthening civilization.

The Update: May 2018 We have been busy, and we have a lot to catch you up on. This update will tell you how in the past few months, we have been fulfilling our mission of advancing revolutionary technologies by rewarding research excellence, raising awareness against recklessness, and creating a community to promote beneficial uses and reduce… Continue reading May Update: how Foresight has been advancing nanotech, AI, cybersecurity, longevity, x-hope, strengthening civilization.

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