Engineered bacteria provide new tool for nanotechnology protein design

Engineered bacteria that incorporate unnatural amino acids at multiple positions provide a new tool that may facilitate designing proteins to fold more predictably into molecular machinery components.

New electron diffraction method for nanotechnology determines nanostrucutres in days instead of years

Automated diffraction tomography provides rapid determination of structure of zeolite to atomic precision.

Mechanical force splits molecule that cannot otherwise be split

Ultrasound was used to pull on polymer chains attached to opposite sides of a chemically almost inert molecular ring, splitting it into its two components.

Electric motor made from a single molecule (video)

Electrons from a scanning tunneling microscope cause a molecule of butyl methyl sulfide to rotate about a single sulfur atom attached to a copper surface.

Long nanowires with controlled orientation grown on sapphire

Growing semiconductor nanowires along crystallographic planes of sapphire provides well-structured nanowires with excellent optical and electronic properties.

First direct measurement of force generated by an individual synthetic molecular machine

News articles by Jon Cartwright on the Chemistry World news site and by Michael Berger at Nanowerk describe a significant molecular machine milestone achieved by the research groups of David A. Leigh (winner of the 2007 Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology for Theory) and Anne-Sophie Duwez. The research was reported in Nature Nanotechnology [abstract].… Continue reading First direct measurement of force generated by an individual synthetic molecular machine

Bio-Nanomachinery Dinner Lecture, Mountain View, CA, August 30

Have you seen those beautiful animations illustrating how the complex molecular machinery in a cell works? (Ex. Just how much of that is ‘made up’? How much is real? How is the information gathered, and what potentials can we unlock with it? Foresight is proud to announce its next dinner lecture: “Elucidating Bio-Nanomachines: Microscopies… Continue reading Bio-Nanomachinery Dinner Lecture, Mountain View, CA, August 30

A four-artificial-neuron network from 112 DNA strands

A neural network made from 112 DNA strands organized into four artificial neurons was trained with four pieces of information to answer questions.

DNA nanotechnology provides detailed monitoring of single cells

DNA nanotechnology provides cell-surface sensors for real-time monitoring of single cells, including potential use in personalized medicine to test which drugs would be suitable for which individuals.

Nanotechnology therapy for head and neck cancer shows promise

A nanotechnology therapy using targeted dendrimers shows promise against head and neck cancer in experiments in which human tumors are implanted into immunocompromised mice.

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