The nanotechnology we were promised

A response to my “Parricide” essay has been seen on IEEE’s Tech Talk blog. Dexter Johnson gives a fair summary of the positions taken to date, and says As the argument seems to go, Drexler popularized the term nanotechnology in his book Engines of Creation, and so when the general public heard that thousands of… Continue reading The nanotechnology we were promised

Optimizing hierarchical protein design for nanotechnology

New computational results reveal how the proper hierarchical assembly of smaller protein domains optimizes mechanical properties.

Cool new nanocars

A new nanocar that runs cool — at room temperature — has been demonstrated by the research group of Stephan Link, colleague of James Tour at Rice. Tour won Foresight’s Feynman Prize last year for his earlier nanocar work. This press release describes several novel features of the latest work. In particular, the new cars… Continue reading Cool new nanocars

How to specify semiconductor or metallic graphene for use in nanotechnology

Computer simulations have shown that graphene deposited on a silicon dioxide surface will be either a semiconductor or a metal depending on whether the underlying layer is terminated with oxygen atoms or passivated with hydrogen atoms.

Making energy transfer in solar cells more efficient

Canadian scientists have discovered how chemical structure can elicit a quantum state that permits the ultrafast movement of energy along an organic polymer.

New organic synthesis to provide nanotechnology a way to make structurally pure carbon nanotubes

The synthesis and characterization of molecules called cycloparaphenylenes could provide nanotech with an efficient way of producing armchair carbon nanotubes of pre-determined diameter.

Nanotechnology provides new, improved walking DNA nanobot

DNA nanotech continues to improve the devices it produces as Oxford University scientists fix several shortcomings seen in earlier versions of bipedal DNA molecular walkers.

Combining structural DNA nanotechnology and gold nanoparticles to make decorated DNA nanotubes

Researchers have been able to attach gold nanoparticles to DNA tiles and, by varying the size of the nanoparticles and the presence of DNA stem loops on some tiles, have been able to control the formation from the DNA tiles of various three dimensional DNA nanotubes.

Mechanism of most powerful molecular motor available to inspire nanotechnology

Scientists have now revealed the working mechanism of one of the most powerful molecular motors known to biology.

Reading DNA sequences from single molecules of polymerase using nanotechnology

A new nanotech method of DNA sequencing is 30,000 times faster than current DNA sequencing methods.

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