Calculating the role of Casimir forces in nanotechnology

Swedish scientists have developed a computer program to calculate Casimir forces between various types of nanostructured materials, which may help to determine whether significant friction problems exist in specific designs.

New nanotechnology journal is open access through 2008 and 2009

A new nanotechnology journal titled Nano Research published by Tsinghua/Springer is now available at The journal is published monthly, and will be open-access in 2008 and 2009. The Editors-in-Chief are Hongjie Dai, Stanford University, USA, and Qikun Xue, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. A glance at the Editorial Board reveals many researchers frequently cited in… Continue reading New nanotechnology journal is open access through 2008 and 2009

New tool for nanotechnology shows nanoscale changes as they happen

Dynamic Transmission Electron Microscope (DTEM) combines nanometer scale spatial resolution with 15 nanosecond temporal resolution.

Amplitude spectroscopy of artificial atoms adds to nanotechnology toolkit

A new method called amplitude spectroscopy may facilitate a nanotech pathway to quantum computing by making it easier to characterize the energy levels of artificial atoms.

Graphene provides extraordinarily stiff beams for nanotechnology

Add to graphene’s record-breaking strength the discovery that graphene beams are unexpectedly stiff.

DNA nanotubes of programmed circumference for nanotechnology

The newest addition to the toolkit for using DNA as a nanotech building block is the ability to program the circumference of nanotubes made from DNA.

Lining up proteins for nanotechnology

Advanced nanotech might benefit if proteins could be arrayed on a surface so that they could be quickly and easily scanned for function or interactions with other molecules.

Nanotechnology produces highly conductive, single-molecule junction between electrodes

Nanotech has taken a major step along the road to molecular electronics with the demonstration that one molecule of benzene can form a highly conductive junction between two platinum electrodes.

Diamond mechanosynthesis for atomically precise nanotechnology to be explored experimentally

A pioneering UK program aimed at developing a nanofactory has made a £1.53M ($3M) award to Professor Philip Moriarty of the University of Nottingham to support a five-year series of experiments to investigate the possibility of diamond mechanosynthesis, testing the theoretical proposals recently made by Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle. Details are contained in the… Continue reading Diamond mechanosynthesis for atomically precise nanotechnology to be explored experimentally

Nanoscale self-assembled surfaces robust enough for nanotechnology applications

Sturdy structures ordered with nanometer precision have now been formed by combining supramolecular assembly of ordered networks with self-assembled monolayers.

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