Graphene looks more and more like the ideal material for nanotech transistors

Graphene has now been shown to retain essential properties when used to make transistors at the one-nanometer-scale.

Nanotechnology produces molecular switches that might lead to petabyte electronic memory

Nanotechnology using a molecular-scale switch could enable storing half a petabyte on one square inch.

Coaxial carbon nanotubes used to make nanotechnology cargo hauler

European nanotechnology researchers have moved a gold cargo about 500 nm along a carbon nanotube ‘Monorail”.

Automated molecular evolution as a tool for nanotechnology

Lab-on-a-chip technology has been used to automate the evolution of molecules so that this approach might prove useful for nanotech purposes.

Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Snowbird, Utah is the place to be for nanotechnologists on April 22-25 for the 5th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO08): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices. Those of you who have attended Foresight research conferences will recognize a number of familiar names and lots of new ones. Mark Sims of Nanorex tells us that they… Continue reading Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Nanotechnology theory guides synthesis of better catalysts for fuel cells

By combining more precise core-shell nanoparticle synthesis techniques with electronic structure theory to predict the properties of nanoparticles, nanotechnology researchers have produced a better catalysts for fuel cells.

Nanotechnology provides a cost-effective way to improve performance of thermoelectric materials

An economical nanotech procedure—ball milling followed by hot pressing—recasts a commercially available material as a composite of random nanostructures that efficiently converts waste heat into electricity.

Highest intrinsic electron mobility advances nanotechnology prospects for graphene

Advancing the case for graphene in nanotech is the recent demonstration that the intrinsic mobility of electrons in graphene is much greater than in silicon or in any other conventional semiconductor.

Major nanotechnology milestone: protein catalysts designed for non-natural chemical reactions

A major milestone along the protein design path to productive nanosytems and advanced nanotechnology has been achieved—the design by computational methods of enzymes that catalyze reactions for which biological enzymes do not exist.

Adapting nanotechnology to conventional silicon microtechnology

Researchers have assembled molecular films on the Si(100) surface utilized in conventional CMOS technologies and shown them to be of comparable quality to those assembled in earlier studies on the Si(111) surface, which is not compatible with CMOS.

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