Fundamental advance in understanding RNA folding may advance use of RNA building blocks for nanotechnology

Stanford University scientists have achieved new, detailed understanding of how a polymer folds into a unique three-dimensional structure by using an “optical trap” to precisely unfold a functional RNA molecule.

Proteins covalently attached to carbon nanotube tips provide new tool for nanotechnology

Japanese scientists have succeeded in chemically attaching proteins specifically to the tips of multiwalled carbon nanotubes, avoiding contaminating attachments to the sides of the nanotubes.

Top-down nanotechnology reaches downward

An interview by of the director of the Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems got our attention. I’d give you a URL for this interview but it doesn’t seem to be on the web, only in email. An excerpt: The molecular gate toolbit: This is a toolbit that uses efficient electrokinetic transport in long… Continue reading Top-down nanotechnology reaches downward

Nanotechnology in clothing harvests energy from the wearer's movements

Fibers made from zinc oxide nanowires can generate electrical current from low frequency mechanical motion, like body movements.

Nanotechnology: Quantum drums might aid in designing nano-electronic circuits or quantum computing

In a virtuoso demonstration of nanotechnology, researchers used a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to build walls of carbon monoxide molecules to confine electrons on a copper surface so that they resonate like a drum.

Faster structure determinations to benefit nanotechnology

Two stories report new tools that should accelerate nanotech development by providing scientists with faster determination of molecular structures.

Nanotechnology produces an analog radio made from carbon nanotubes

This nanotech electronic device is not nanoscale, but all of the transistors are made from parallel arrays of thousands of nanotubes to demonstrate the potential of single-walled carbon nanotubes in advanced electronics.

Precisely controlled electron beam provides top-down approach to molecular nanotechnology

French nanotech researchers have used theory to increase the precision of carving with electron beams enough to remove individual atoms from single walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes.

DNA building blocks that change shape provide new tool for nanotechnology

Tetrahedrons made from DNA that extend and shorten in response to added short strands of DNA may provide new nanotech methods of drug delivery, but may present even more exciting possibilities for atomically precise functional nanosystems.

Using DNA nanotechnology to build three-dimensional crystals

In a major nanotech advance in constructing designer materials, DNA has been used to assemble gold nanoparticles into three-dimensional crystals.

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