RPI researchers report work on nanotubes

A pair of brief press releases tell of recent work with carbon nanotubes by researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI):

Japanese researchers create hybrid diamond-like film

United Press International reports ("Superhard electrical crystal carbon film", 25 January 2002) that Japanese scientists have made very thin crystalline films of carbon, nearly as hard as diamond but many times more electrically conductive, which they hope will have practical use in nanometer-scale electronics.

According to the report, the researchers created a form of carbon possessing both diamond bonds and weaker, sp2 bonds — the type found in graphite and some fullerenes. This hybrid film is an intricate lattice made up of fine nanocrystalline sheets of carbon atoms linked to each other in graphite bonds whose edges rise up from a surface about 45 nanometers. In turn, these sheets are bonded together with diamond-like bonds. According to the researchers, the carbon film is almost as hard as diamond, but its electrical conductivity is 19 orders of magnitude larger than diamond's. This makes the films about as electrically conductive as the chemically modified semiconductors used in microchips. The process for creating the hybrid diamondoid films occurs at room temperature.

Nanotubes may form gigahertz oscillators for nanocomputers

A brief item on the Physical Review Focus website ("Nanotubes in the fast lane", by J.R. Minkel, 18 January 2002) summarizes a paper in the 28 January 2002 print issue of Physical Review Letters in which researchers calculate that a group of concentric nanotubes nested inside an outer set of tubes can slide back and forth a billion times every second. Such a gigahertz oscillator could be a major advance in nanotechnology that would enable applications such as ultra-fast optical filters and nano-antennae. The researchers contend that the low friction between tubes — a tenth or less of the nano-newton-scale attractive force — allows the ensuing oscillation to match a Pentium 4 computer chip's speed in processing electronic signals, and that this demonstrates the feasibility of fabricating such devices.

Some readers of this article may find interesting echoes of the rod logic mechanical nanocomputer proposed by K. Eric Drexler back in 1988.

New method employs AI to speed up discovery of materials

from the Automated-engineering dept.
According to a press release (22 January 2002), a new method promises to change how companies create materials — using artificial intelligence and a technique that simultaneously tests thousands of formulations — dramatically speeding up the discovery process. The system, which combines hardware and software, was developed by Jochen Lauterbach, an associate professor of chemical engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

According to the press release, Lauterbach has developed an automated system that uses combinatorial chemistry, in which equipment systematically creates and tests thousands of chemical samples at the same time using thousands of tiny plastic beads coated with different catalysts. All of the beads, each bearing its own individual catalyst, are tested simultaneously. The system then uses infrared sensor technology to quickly screen each sample to evaluate its performance. A small percentage of the catalysts created are effective. Information is collected from both the best catalysts and the failed catalysts and fed into software that employs hybrid neural networks and genetic algorithms to mimics the logical and intuitive thought processes of chemists. Even though the majority of the catalysts created are not effective, the software uses the wealth of information gained from those failures to come up with entirely new catalysts.

Gamete stem cells may also control aging

According to a press release (18 January 2002), researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have found that stem cells for eggs and sperm also control aging in the roundworm C. elegans. The unsuspected role may find parallels in other organisms including humans, they suggest.

The finding shows for the first time that genes act in the adult animal to control its rate of aging. The stem cells, it seems, can modify lifespan even as aging is proceeding. The key stem cells, the scientists found, are not those that actually become egg or sperm, but their sister cells from the same stem cell pool, known as "proliferating germline stem cells," that divide continuously in the animalís reproductive tissues. Their study is reported in the 18 January 2002 issue of Science.

NASA project to develop nanocapsules for cancer therapy

A news items from Science@NASA ("Voyage of the Nano-Surgeons", by Patrick L. Barry, 15 January 2002), a news service of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), describes work at the NASA Ames Research Center to develop "nanoparticles" and "nanocapsules" that will hunt down diseased cells and penetrate their membranes to deliver precise doses of medicines. The hope is that the tiny capsules may someday be injected into people's bloodstreams to treat conditions ranging from cancer to radiation damage.

Read more for details of the project and web links to other resources.

HHMI team reveals structure of chloride ion channel

According to a press release, a team of scientists led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator Roderick MacKinnon at The Rockefeller University has determined the three-dimensional structure of the chloride ion channel. Their work was reported in the 17 January 2002, issue of Nature. Additional information is available in a second press release from Rockefeller University, where the MacKinnon lab is located. The same team worked out the details of the function of another type of ion channel, or molecular sorter, for potassium in November 2001.

The researchers discovered the chloride ion channel has a completely different structure from the potassium ion channel. While the potassium ion channel has one large single pore with a water-filled, pyramid-shaped cavity, the chloride ion channel has two pores, each shaped like an hourglass with a narrow constriction at the center. The scientists also discovered the arrangement of the protein subunits that make up the channel are arranged entirely differently in the two types of channels. In the potassium ion channel, four protein subunits contribute to a single pore. In the chloride ion channel, each protein subunit has its own pore and the two halves of the subunit have opposite orientations in whatís called two-fold rotational symmetry. Future experiments in MacKinnonís laboratory will focus on determining how the chloride ion channel opens and closes to maintain the appropriate concentration of ions inside the cell.

Similar work on a membrane channel specific for water molecules was reported here on Nanodot in December 2001.

Research suggests a second, RNA component of genome

from the beyond-the-proteome dept.
An article in the 12 January 2002 issue of Science News ("Biological Dark Matter: Newfound RNA suggests a hidden complexity inside cells", by John Travis) summarizes research done over the past decade or so that indicates terrestrial biology may have a second component to its genetic systems that expresses functional RNA, rather than messenger RNA that guides the synthesis of proteins. Many previously unrecognized gene sequences apparently encode RNA molecules that have important regulatory and developmental functions.

USC lab launches project to create nanobot swarms for ocean research

from the mechanoplankton dept.
According to a press release (9 January 2002), the Laboratory for Molecular Robotics (LMR) at the University of Southern California School of Engineering has received $1.5 million research grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) to create swarms of microscopic robots. The application envisioned for such a system is to monitor potentially dangerous microorganisms in the ocean.

According to Ari Requicha, a USC professor of computer science and the project's principal investigator, the project spans the fields of nanotechnology, robotics, computer science and marine biology, but is centered on the development of the ultra-small robotic sensors and software systems to control them. Requicha said it will be possible to build nanoscale devices with electrical and mechanical components so that the devices could propel themselves, send electronic signals and even compute. While individual nanoscale devices would have limited computing power and capability, the plan is to have vast numbers of them operating in concert.

Requicha said that nanotechnology today is at the same stage of development as the Internet was in the late 1960's. "The idea that we'll have swarms of nanorobots in the ocean is no more far-fetched than the idea of connecting millions of computers was then," he said. "I don't think these robots will be confined to the ocean. We will eventually make robots to hunt down pathogens or repair cells in the human body."

Read more for additional details on this ambitious project.

JPL studies autonomous robotic work crews for space

According to a press release (9 January 2002), NASA researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California have successfully demonstrated the first use of multiple rovers that work tightly in sync to perform tasks such as coordinated grasping, lifting and moving of an extended payload, while navigating through obstacles on natural terrain. The JPL researchers say the rovers function much like a construction crew without a foreman. They note that once the system has been programmed with basic behaviors and coordination models, it is a truly distributed and autonomous intelligence across the robot team that gets the job done, responding to situations of the minute

For more information, visit the JPL Robot Work Crew website.

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