Recent work in DNA biocomputing

According to a press release, a team of scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel a simple biocomputer (a programmable two-state, two-symbol finite automaton) using DNA molecules and enzymes. The work was reported in the 22 November 2001 issue of Nature. According to the press release, ìCollectively, the computers perform a billion operations per second with greater than 99.8% accuracy per operation while requiring less than a billionth of a Watt of power. This study may lead to future computers that can operate within the human body, interacting with its biochemical environment to yield far-reaching biological and pharmaceutical applications.î

Additional coverage is available on from Reuters, the BBC Online, and the Nature Science Update website.

Scientists design molecules that mimic nanostructure of bone

According to a press release, scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois report they have been able to create nanoscale fibers that encourage mineral crystal growth and self-assemble into a matrix that resembles real bone. According to the researchers, the designer molecules hold promise for the development of a bonelike material to be used for bone fractures or in the treatment of bone cancer patients and have implications for the regeneration of other tissues and organs. Their research was reported in the 23 November 2001 issue of Science. Additional coverage is available in an item on the Nature Science Update website.

Researchers report development of an optical transistor

from the Light-switch dept.
In a press release (19 November 2001), researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada report they have developed an optical switch that behaves like a transistor. The researchers speculate that such a switch may provide the means to create quantum computers based on optical information processing techniques.

Researchers demonstrate atomic 'smart-bomb' for cancer

from the nano-radiation-therapy dept.
According to a press release, a team of researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) have developed a complex, highly-specific anti-cancer agent which they call a îmolecular nanogeneratorî. These nanogenerators consist of a single radioactive atom contained inside a molecular cage and attached to a monoclonal antibody that homes in on cancer cells, where it is carried inside. The complex then releases a small cascade of atomic fragments known as alpha particles on the inside of cancer cells. — and destroys them. The results of this work are published in the 16 November 2001 issue of Science.

The atom contained inside the nanogenerator is actinium-225, which decays by giving off short-lived, high-energy alpha particles that blast through cancer cells and destroy their DNA and proteins. When actinium decays, it produces a series of three daughter atoms each of which gives off its own alpha particle. Each particle increases the chance that the cancer cell will be destroyed. The specificity for only certain types of cancer cells provided by the antibody component helps increase the nanogeneratorís effectiveness. If the radioactive atom remains outside of the cell, the alpha particle can travel in any direction, and it kills the cell only a fraction of the time. If the generator is inside the cell, every alpha particle will be effective and greatly reduces the possibility of damage to nearby healthy cells.

Some additional coverage can be found in this article (îRadioactive 'Trojan Horse' Hits Cancer Cellsî, by Maggie Fox, 15 November 2001) from Reuters News Service, and an item (îNuclear weapon blasts tumours", by Helen Pearson, 16 November 2001) from the Nature Science Update website.

Bell Labs researchers create single addressable nanotransistors

from the Molectronics dept.
According to a press release (8 November 2001), researchers at Lucentís Bell Laboratories have announced they have succeeded in fabricating an individually addressable transistor whose channel consists of just one molecule. The latest results are a step forward from their work reported in October, in which they announced the creation of the single-molecule transistors. However, they had previously only been able to fabricate these "nanotransistors" as a matrix of a few thousand molecules that worked in tandem. Now, using a new technique, physicist Hendrik Schon and chemists Zhenan Bao and Hong Meng have succeeded in fabricating molecular-scale transistors that can be individually controlled. Their results were reported online in the 8 November 2001 edition of Science Express.

Using two of the nanotransistors, the Bell Labs scientists built a voltage inverter, a standard electronic circuit module that converts a "0" to a "1" or vice versa, creating a NOT gate for computer logic. The Bell Labs device is significantly different from the nanotube-based NOT gate created by IBM researchers announced in August.

Additional coverage is available in this news story from Reuters News Service and this Associated Press news story on the New York Times website.

Research reveals functional details of ion-channel 'atom-sorter'

from the natural-selection dept.
According to a press release, researchers at the Rockefeller University Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology and Biophysics have worked out the three-dimensional structure of the inner workings of an ion-channel protein complex. Ion channels act to pass only specific atoms through cell membranes, and thus act as biological ëatom sortersí. The channel examined in this study is specific for potassium ions.
The overall protein consists of four subunits, like four staves of a barrel. Inside the protein is a narrower tube called the selectivity filter where the potassium ion is recognized. The selectivity filter works as a sorter that chemically senses the ions as they go through the channel. When it senses another type of ion inside the channel, the filter prevents it from entering. The researchers discovered the structure of the filter is very finely tuned to pass potassium ions very quickly, but to exclude other kinds of atoms.

The work was reported in two papers in the 1 November 2001 issue of Nature. The Nature Science Update website has a brief summary of the research, with some helpful graphics.

Self-assembling microwires may connect biosystems

According to a press release, researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Delaware have discovered a new method of growing microscopic wires that can conduct electricity in a liquid environment. The study shows that colloidal nanoparticles ñ dispersed particles ranging in size from 15 to 30 nanometers ñ can spontaneously self-assemble into wires when placed under the force of an alternating (AC) electric field, a process known as dielectrophoresis. The microwires are about a micrometer, or one-millionth of a meter, in diameter, and up to a few millimeters long. The formation of these microwires can be controlled and used in rudimentary electrical circuits. The research was published 2 November 2001 issue of Science. An interesting point noted in the press release is that making electrical circuits in wet environments may lead to a host of bioelectrical uses, such as providing electrical connections to living cells and tissues.

Synthetic anti-oxidants extend mouse lifespan

According to a press release, a team of medical researchers reports they have demonstrated that synthetic catalytic anti-oxidants can help treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsonís and Alzheimerís, and enhance overall lifespan in mice. The work was reported in the November 2001 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience. The report details experiments in which the treatment rescued a severe neurological phenotype in mice engineered to undergo a specific form of oxidative damage. Treatment with the synthetic catalytic scavengers of reactive oxygen species (SCSs) also resulted in a dramatic enhancement of lifespan of the mice.

Measuring conductivity of a single molecule wire

from the More-molectronics dept.
A collaborative research team from the University of Arizona and Motorola, Inc. have devised a method to measure the electrical conductivity of a single molecule using contacts bonded to the two ends of an octanedithiol molecule. Many previous efforts to characterize possible molecular wires and other molectronic components have given variable results because the contacts were often simple mechanical contacts, not chemically-bonded connections. In their report in the 19 October 2001 issue of Science, the UA/Motorola team describe a method for creating through-bond electrical contacts with very small (2 nanometer) gold particles bonded to single molecules and the achievement of reproducible measurements of the molecules' conductivity. A schematic image is also available.

Bell labs reports molecular transistor

from the Molectronics dept.
Researchers at Lucent Technologiesí Bell Laboratories report they have created organic transistors with a single-molecule channel length. The companyís press release, along with videos of a press conference and interviews with the principal researchers, are available on the Bell Labs website. The research was reported in the 18 October 2001 issue of Nature; additional coverage ran in the New York Times (18 October 2001).

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