Researchers reveal structure of DNA repair protein

from the complex-molecular-machines dept.
A collaborative team from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have produced the first detailed images of a protein that performs the crucial task of detecting and repairing broken strands of DNA. The images show that the protein is constructed to cradle DNA while the DNA is repaired and rejoined with great precision. A brief report appears on the HHMI website, and a research paper appeared in the 9 August 2001 issue of Nature.

The work reveals that the protein complex forms a ring that encircles and ìcradlesî the end of the strand of DNA. The scientists speculate that protein complexes on two broken ends of a DNA strand link to one another to hold the two ends in position for joining the DNA back together. They also found that the repair protein does not bind with the DNA bases, but rather grasps the sugar backbone of the DNA strand ó meaning that the protein does not ìcareî about the sequence of the DNA that it binds. The scientists also have evidence that proteins hold the DNA in precise alignment to allow re-joining by repair enzymes.

Modifying bacteria to produce novel proteins

from the tinkering-with-molecular-machines dept.
An interesting article in the New York Times ("Scientists Are Starting to Add Letters to Life's Alphabet", by A. Pollack, 24 July 2001) describes attempts by researchers to modify the machinery of living systems to product novel proteins that use amino acids other than the twenty or so standard ones used by terrestrial biology. As the article puts it:
"Scientists are taking the first steps toward creating alternative life forms — organisms that use a genetic code different from the one used by all other creatures on earth . . . Such organisms, bacteria to start with, would have novel chemical units in their DNA and synthetic building blocks in their proteins. Scientists hope that such organisms can be used to study biochemical processes in new ways and to produce new medical or electronic materials that cannot now be made by living things."

Note: Access to the NYT website is free, but may require registration.

Designer drug may help treat Alzheimer

from the molecular-medicine dept.
Demonstrating the wisdom of attacking some medical problems at the molecular level, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago announced on 2 August 200 that they have designed and synthesized highly potent inhibitor compounds that could lead to an effective treatment for Alzheimerís disease. The researchers designed an inhibitor that blocks the action of a protein-cutting enzyme, or protease, thought to be responsible for Alzheimerís disease. This enzyme, called memapsin 2, severs a longer protein in the brain called amyloid precursor protein, or APP, to produce beta-amyloid, which accumulates in the brain and forms plaques that lead to the development of Alzheimerís disease. The synthetic inhibitor compound blocks memapsin 2 and keeps it from cutting APP, which could halt accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain. The paper describes the inhibitor, designed and tested in the laboratory, which is comparable in size to HIV protease inhibitor drugs now being prescribed. "Designing a smaller, more potent inhibitor is an important step in the development of an effective treatment for Alzheimerís patients, " said one of the researchers.
The work was reported in the American Chemical Societyís Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

EU initiative aims at integrated systems with "life-like perceptions"

from the blue-sky-research dept.
The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) division of the European Union's Information Society Technologies (IST) Program has launched a new research initiative to develop "life-like perception systems". The objective of the initiative is "to create integrated perception-response systems that are inspired by the sophistication of solutions adopted by living systems. 'Perception' is meant to include sensorial, cognitive, control and response aspects, whether it refers to vision or hearing, or to any other type of interaction with the environment by a biological organism. Such systems would extend the capabilities of machines or be used to augment the human senses."
More information about the program can be found on the CORDIS website at .

Scripps researchers test artificial peptide nanotubes as antibiotics

from the self-assembling-bug-busters dept.
A research team at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) led by M. Reza Ghadiri have developed antibiotic agents based on self-assembling cyclic peptide nanotubes that which stack inside the cell membranes of bacteria and poke holes in the membranes, killing the cells. They reported on their research in the 26 July 2001 issue of Nature. The team synthesized rings of amino acids, the building blocks of peptides, which stack up to form tubes in bacterial cell walls. These self-assembling peptide nanotubes cleared infections of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in mice, even when injected far from the site of infection. Early work in this research project won Ghadiri Foresightís 1998 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology for Experimental Work.

Read more for links to additional media coverage of this research.

U of Pennsylvania will establish nanotech center

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $1.45 million to scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, establishing a new Nanotechnology Science and Engineering Center that will seek out the building blocks of next-generation nanostructures. The four-year grant will fund research on how simple biological molecules organize themselves into complex structures and the development of synthetic self-assembling molecules. Details are available in this press release from 24 July 2001.

CiSE has special issue on computational nanotech

from the simulation-and-modeling dept.
The July/August 2001 issue of Computing in Science and Engineering, a joint publication of the IEEE Computer Society and the American Institute of Physics, has a special section devoted to nanotechnology. Specifically, three articles focus on modeling and simulation of nanoscale systems.
An introduction to the special issue by Guest Editors James R. Chelikowsky at the University of Minnesota and Mark A. Ratner at the Northwestern University Institute for Nanotechnology, explaining the basic issues of nanoscience, nanotechnology, and modeling, is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (about 515 KB).
The text of the articles in the issue are only available to members of the Computer Society of the IEEE, but the abstracts can be accessed without membership. The topics covered include:
– Computational Nanotechnology with Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerenes
– Multiscale Simulation of Nanosystems
– Computational Electromagnetics of Metal Nanoparticles and Their Aggregates

German researchers create rubidium atom laser

from the fine-focus dept.
An item on the Nature Science Update website tells of researchers at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, who have found a way to focus, reflect and split an atom laser beam. They were able to generate a coherent atom beam from a Bose-Einstein condensate. Magnetic forces are used to hold the condensate in a trap. A beam of coherent atoms can be formed by letting the condensate stream out through an opening in the trap's walls.
The German researchers produced an atom laser beam of rubidium-87 atoms. They used normal lasers to tune the atoms' magnetic behavior, then used magnets as mirrors to reflect the atom laser beam and to store it. The paper describing their work appeared in Physical Review Letters, 87: 123 – 321 (2001).

Artificial enzyme tested for medical use in humans

from the early-nanomedicine dept.
MetaPhore Pharmaceuticals, based in St. Louis, Mo., announced on 12 July 2001 that it has completed initial human clinical studies of an artificial enzyme-mimic molecule that scavenges free radicals inside cells. MetaPhore says it is only the first candidate from its proprietary family of free-radical fighting enzyme mimetics.

The initial clinical trials showed the drug to be safe and well tolerated, according to the company press release. The studies are also significant because they represent the first time that a small molecule drug developed to mimic an enzymeís activity has been tested in humans, based on published reports. MetaPhore says its enzyme mimetics work by replicating the catalytic activity of the natural enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), the bodyís natural defense against free radical damage to tissues and cells. The natural regulation of superoxide free radicals by SOD, however, is unbalanced in certain disease states, including cancer, when the bodyís immune system prompts an overproduction of superoxide and the natural SOD enzymes become overwhelmed.

The release also states that additional pre-clinical studies conducted by MetaPhore researchers and others indicate that SOD enzyme mimetics hold extensive potential for a wide array of diseases and conditions associated with free-radical damage, including pain and inflammation, stroke, heart attack as well as certain types of cancers. It is worth noting that some theories of aging mechanisms are associated with free-radical damage to tissue and cells.

Genetic manipulation improves neuron regeneration

A team of researchers led by Maureen Condic at the University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City have found that increasing the expression of a single gene that is important during development dramatically improves the ability of adult neurons to regenerate. The finding may lead to new approaches for treating damage from stroke, spinal cord injury, and other neurological conditions.
Condic and her coworkers found that increasing the expression of genes for receptors called integrin proteins dramatically increased the amount of nerve fiber growth in the adult neurons. The increase in growth was more than ten times greater than that in any other published study of regeneration by adult neurons. The adult neurons with the extra integrin genes were able to extend nerve fibers profusely even when growth-inhibiting proteins were present in the culture. The amount of growth was indistinguishable from that of neurons from newborn animals.
The work was reported in the 1 July 2001 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.

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