Special Issue of Scientific American devoted to nanotech

from the The-vision-thing dept.
Nanotechnology is the focus of a special issue of Scientific American (September 2001). About half of the articles are available online, including a relatively brief piece by Eric Drexler ("Machine Phase Nanotechnology").

However, the tenor of the other articles is, in general, either skeptical or openly hostile to the concept of machine phase chemistry or mechanosynthesis, as well as advanced applications, as pointed out by Sander Olson, who writes "Scientific American's latest issue has the cover story on nanotechnology. Although the issue has an article from Mr. Drexler ("Machine Phase Nanotechnology"), most of the articles are highly critical of Drexlerian nanotechnology concepts. In one article, Gary Stix claims that Drexler's contribution to nanotechnology will be akin to Star Trek's — a fantasy that will nevertheless encourage people to enter the field. In another article, George Whitesides argues that "The charm of the assembler is illusory: it is more appealing as metaphor than as reality, and less the solution of a problem than the hope for a miracle." "

Read more for the table of contents and links to the articles available online. Additional articles about nanotechnology from SA are also available, including the 1996 article from Gary Stix that triggered an extensive online rebuttal from Foresight. Special Nanotechnology Issue of Scientific American (September 2001)


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