The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium | Update Seminar

Presenter The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium are a consortium of scholars and practitioners developing, validating, and implementing biomarkers of aging and longevity. Their members are affiliated with the leading research institutes and groups in the field of aging. Their practitioners are at the forefront of research and development in the… Continue reading The Biomarkers of Aging Consortium | Update Seminar

2024 Fellow Michael Florea

2024 Fellow Herbert Fountain

2024 Fellow Roman Bauer

2024 Fellow Elena Sergeeva

2024 Fellow Sruthi Sivakumar

2024 Fellow Sara LaHue

2024 Fellow Mahdi Moqri

Home Blood Testing for Longevity Science and Self-experimentation

Presenter Michael Dubrovsky Michael Dubrovsky is a materials chemist and serial entrepreneur. He co-founded and serves as CPO of SiPhox Health, a Boston-based YC, Kholsa Ventures, and Intel Capital-backed startup with the mission of increasing human healthspan by putting a convenient silicon chip-based blood testing device in every home. SiPhox’s alpha product, a mail-in blood… Continue reading Home Blood Testing for Longevity Science and Self-experimentation

Shahaf Peleg | Turn your mito ON! – Harnessing Light Energy to Rewire Metabolism During Aging

Presenter Shahaf Peleg, Luminova Biotech Dr. Shahaf Peleg received his PhD from the University of Göttingen, Germany in 2010 where he was part of the international Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) of Neuroscience. He later did his postdoctoral training at the University of Munich where he focused on metabolism – epigenetics connectivity during early aging.… Continue reading Shahaf Peleg | Turn your mito ON! – Harnessing Light Energy to Rewire Metabolism During Aging

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