Existential Hope: Creon Levit | On space and the long-term future

Existential Hope: Could Aligned AGI Help Us Create A Flourishing Future? | Richard Mallah, FLI

DeSci Boston 2022 | Foresight Tech Trees

Presenter Allison Duettmann, Foresight Institute Allison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Groups, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees. She shares Foresightā€™s work with the public, for instance at the Wall Street Journal, SXSW, Oā€™Reilly AI, WEF, The Partnership… Continue reading DeSci Boston 2022 | Foresight Tech Trees

Morgan Levine, Altos Labs | On Existential Hope & The Future of Aging

Chiara Marletto, Oxford Univeristy | On Existential Hope & Human Creativity

Aleksandra Smilek, Foresight Institute | Decentralizing Science & Bridging Art

Presenters Aleksandra Smilek, Foresight Institute From concept to realization, Aleksandra gained her experience working on numerous brand and cultural projects since 2016. She was the artistic director of the EP7 monumental LEDS facade working to leverage the upcoming digital art scene before the NFT hype. In 2020 she cre ā€¦ Read More Decentralizing Science &… Continue reading Aleksandra Smilek, Foresight Institute | Decentralizing Science & Bridging Art

A. Aguirre, A. Yelizarova | Existential Hope and Worldbuilding Special with Future of Life Institute

2022 Fellow Ales Flidr

2022 Fellow Romain Fonteyne

2021 Fellow Phoebe Tickell

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