Videos and slides for Foresight Conference now posted

Videos for all talks and slides for some are now available for the Foresight Conference held in January.

Here’s the list:

Or if you prefer to watch them in chronological order:

There are 17 videos, so in case you’d like some guidance in getting started, consider starting with the top three talks as rated by conference participants:

Special thanks to Monica Anderson, Miron Cuperman, and TechZulu (Efren Toscano) for their work on this project, to volunteers Miguel Aznar and Ravi Mistry for help on the conference overall, and to Shawna Pandya for handling Twitter for us.

If you enjoy the videos and have not yet joined Foresight or donated in 2010, we encourage you to chip in and help fund this work:

We hope to see you at the next Foresight Conference!   —Chris Peterson

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