What to do if you didn't win Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology

We at Foresight are just returned from this week’s Productive Nanosystems Conference where the Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology were awarded. Didn’t win this year? First, remember to re-apply next year. But you can also go after another nanotech prize:

The International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation, and Engineering (ISNSCE) is soliciting nominations for its annual Nanoscience Prize. The Nanoscience prize is given every year to recognize and encourage outstanding research in all areas of nanoscience. It may be awarded for theory, experiment, modelling, or applications of nanoscience to any field of study, including but not limited to biology, chemistry, materials science, physics or computation. The winner of the prize receives $1000 and is invited to give the keynote lecture at the ISNSCE-sponsored Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO) conference to be held April 22-25, 2008 in Snowbird, Utah.

To nominate an individual for the Nanoscience Prize, please prepare nomination materials including the following: name and contact information for the nominator and nominee, a biographical sketch (up to one page) that describes the significant features of the nominee’s career, a curriculum vitae with publication list, copies of up to three of the nominee’s most important publications, and any other materials such as letters from additional scientists in support of the nomination. Each year, the selection committee will continue to consider nominations previously submitted. The committee invites updates to existing nominations as well as new nominations. The deadline for nominations is January 1, 2008. Nomination materials should be sent electronically to: [email protected]
For information about ISNSCE, browse www.isnsce.org

Thanks to Paul Rothemund, who won the Feynman Prize last year, for bringing this prize to our attention. Good luck! —Christine

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