You saw it here first…

Researcher honored for experimental work in nanotechnology. — AFOSR via Eurekalert This is a re-announcement of Custance, Sugimoto, and Abe’ Feynman Prize from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. (I have a personal fondness for AFOSR since they funded some of my optical computing research back in the 80’s.) The Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology… Continue reading You saw it here first…

Eliezer doth protest too much, methinks

Less Wrong: I’m Not Saying People Are Stupid. The real question isn’t whether people are stupid. The real question is whether people make decisions that matter a lot incorrectly. I claim that we’ve already, as a society, decided that they do.  We’ve replaced kings — human beings — with artificial rule-based decision procedures based on… Continue reading Eliezer doth protest too much, methinks

Foresight Institute Announces Feynman Prize Winners

PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct 06, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Foresight Institute, a nanotechnology education and public policy think tank based in Palo Alto, has announced the winners of the prestigious 2009 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology. Established in 1993 in honor of Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman, two $5,000 prizes are awarded in… Continue reading Foresight Institute Announces Feynman Prize Winners

Site hacked — apologies

Spammers hacked into recently and inserted junk into some of our pages;  we think we’ve gotten rid of it but let us know if you see any more!

Feynman Prize nominations: last chance

The nominations for Foresight’s 2009 Feynman Prize will be closing soon, so if you know someone who has done outstanding work to advance the goal of molecular nanotechnology, please visit the Instructions Page to nominate them. Research areas considered relevant to MNT (e.g., productive nanosystems and molecular machine systems) include but are not limited to:… Continue reading Feynman Prize nominations: last chance

Feynman Prize nominations now open, also Communications, Student Prizes

Nominations are now open for the Foresight Institute Prizes for 2009, due June 30. Our best-known prizes of course are the two annual Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology, one for Experiment and one for Theory: Description Instructions Also open are nominations for the Foresight Prize in Communications: Description Instructions And the Student Prize: Description… Continue reading Feynman Prize nominations now open, also Communications, Student Prizes

Foresight on Fastfowardradio

Foresight President Josh Hall will be the guest of Phil Bowermaster of the Speculist on FastFowardRadio Sunday 5/10/09 at 10PM Eastern (7 Pacific). Here is the announcement: Accelerating technological development promises to impact every aspect of our lives — how we work, how we play, how we interact with each other, how we view our… Continue reading Foresight on Fastfowardradio

Nanotechnology Public Interest Group Appoints Dr. J. Storrs Hall President

The Foresight Institute has appointed Dr. J. Storrs Hall to the position of President.


Once upon a time, or so the story goes, there was a young man who was hauled up before the court on charges that he had killed his father and mother. He readily confessed to the crime, but nevertheless pled for clemency: after all, he pointed out, he was an orphan. Recently on his blog… Continue reading Parricide

Foresight — with Peripheral Vision: Nanotech & AI forecast from Josh Hall

Josh Hall, author of Nanofuture: What’s Next for Nanotechnology, sends this message to Nanodot readers: Dear Foresight members & friends, It’s the time of year when many of you are renewing your Foresight memberships, and helping us meet our $30,000 goal for our Challenge Grant by December 31: I believe that the next decade… Continue reading Foresight — with Peripheral Vision: Nanotech & AI forecast from Josh Hall

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