New version of Productive Nanosystems film released

Foresight Participating Member Mark Sims of Nanorex brings to our attention a new version of the five-minute film Productive Nanosystems: from Molecules to Superproducts posted at Google video. The description: “Visualizing productive nanosystems and molecular manufacturing is a major challenge in communicating the power of this technology. To help address this problem, Nanorex ( )… Continue reading New version of Productive Nanosystems film released

UK/Japan researchers on path to artificial molecular machines

From “An Oxford University physicist sees the future of nanotechnology in the workings of one of Nature’s tiniest motors, that which allows some bacteria to swim by rotating slender filaments known as flagella. ” ‘The bacterial flagellar motor is an example of finished bio-nanotechnology, and understanding how it works and assembles is one of… Continue reading UK/Japan researchers on path to artificial molecular machines

Nanobio governance: exploring models for oversight

The report from the September 2005 workshop on The Nanotechnology-Biology Interface: Exploring Models for Oversight has been issued today by the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. In addition to the usual nanoparticle safety discussions, the report touches on bigger issues. From the press release: “The report also calls for more conversation about nanotechnology… Continue reading Nanobio governance: exploring models for oversight

New Reynolds' book covers nanotech & power

Foresight director Glenn Reynolds has a new book coming out March 7 which you can order on Amazon now: An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths. Chapter 9, “Empowering the Really Little Guys”, is on nanotechnology. Some excerpts [emphasis added]: “All sorts… Continue reading New Reynolds' book covers nanotech & power

CNS director on choosing a nanotech future

The new Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University has their website up. The Center’s director, David Guston, has some comments in his blog [links added]: “It is also this realm of Engines of Creation and ā€œPlenty of Room at the Bottomā€ where scientists allowed their minds to take flight and speak of… Continue reading CNS director on choosing a nanotech future

Goal of nanotech: atomically precise manufacturing gives an overview of speakers on atomically precise fabrication at the Photonics West conference. An excerpt: “Mark Lurie and Eric Drexler of the Foresight Nanotechnology Institute, a nanotechnology think tank and public interest organization, and Tom Hausken of Strategies Unlimited, a technology-focused market research and strategic planning company, appeared before a packed auditorium at… Continue reading Goal of nanotech: atomically precise manufacturing

US-Italy team builds molecular motor powered by sunlight

From “Chemists at Italy’s University of Bologna, UCLA and the California NanoSystems Institute have designed and constructed a molecular motor of nanometer size that does not consume fuels; their nano motor is powered only by sunlight…The nano motor can work continuously without any external interference, and operates without consuming or generating chemical fuels or… Continue reading US-Italy team builds molecular motor powered by sunlight

Nanomanufacturing VIPs to present on March 29-30

Los Angeles will be the place to be March 29-30 when the Society of Manufacturing Engineers holds its Nanomanufacturing Conference. Keynoting will be Eric Drexler on “Engineering from the Bottom Up – Productive Nanosystems and the Future of Technology”. Also not to be missed: Foresight director Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex on “Assembly Pathway to… Continue reading Nanomanufacturing VIPs to present on March 29-30

Time estimates for nano developments 2008-2021

As part of the EC-funded Nano2Life program, Aharon Hauptman and Yair Sharanhaupt of the Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis and Forecasting (ICTAF) at Tel-Aviv University have written a 39-page report titled “Envisioned Developments in Nanobiotechnology” based on a survey of 139 experts from 30 countries. The 50% median date estimate from “experts and knowledgeable” for… Continue reading Time estimates for nano developments 2008-2021

Nanosurgery journal article by Freitas

From the International Journal of Surgery, an editorial on Nanotechnology, nanomedicine and nanosurgery by Robert A. Freitas, Jr. It reviews Feynman’s vision, today’s microrobotic surgical devices, and projects advanced medical nanodevices: “We envision biocompatible surgical nanorobots that can find and eliminate isolated cancerous cells, remove microvascular obstructions and recondition vascular endothelial cells, perform ‘noninvasive’ tissue… Continue reading Nanosurgery journal article by Freitas

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