Measuring picometers to advance nanotechnology

A recent review describes the advantages to nanotech of advances in electron microscopy that allow mapping electron states localized at or between atoms.

Nanotechnology builds flexible electronic circuits from random networks of carbon nanotubes

A nanotech approach assembles flexible electronic circuits from random networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes.

Activating cancer-fighting cells using nanotechnology

Single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) bundles may provide a nanotech method to activate certain cancer-fighting white blood cells outside a patient’s body in the hope that they will more effectively fight the patient’s cancer upon being returned to the patient.

Detecting motion in simple nanotech machines

Japanese researchers have succeeded in visualizing the motion of a molecular rotor.

Graphene strongest material for nanotechnology applications

Researchers at Columbia University have demonstrated that graphene is the strongest known material.

Roundup and removal of cancer cells using nanotechnology

A nanotech method to capture cancer cells and remove them from the body might be useful for combating ovarian cancer, in particular.

Sorting carbon nanotubes for different nanotechnology applications

An international team of scientists has shown that semiconductor nanotubes can be attracted to and aligned on surfaces chemically modified with amino groups, while surfaces with phenyl groups attract metallic nanotubes.

Nanotechnology may be able to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier

Researchers expect protein-conjugated quantum rods to be able to transport multiple agents across the blood-brain barrier so that they could function synergistically.

Nanotechnology provides key capability for artificial photosynthesis

Chinese scientists have developed a nanotech solution to harvest energy from multiple electrons—something alternative approaches to artificial photosynthesis have not yet managed to do.

Open source nanotechnology for clean water

From the conference report Setting an Agenda for the Social Studies of Nanotechnology (PDF): For example, researchers at Rice University have been working on the use of nanoparticles to absorb arsenic from drinking water supplies. Nanoscale iron oxide absorbs arsenic effi ciently, but in many countries implementing the process is either too expensive or technically… Continue reading Open source nanotechnology for clean water

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