Nanotechnology for health: 10-year EU-US perspective

A while back I offered to write more about Health and Nanotechnology: Economic, Societal, and Institutional Impact, a report from a conference convened with the cooperation of the U.S. Dept. of State and the European Commission, part of a series called Perspectives on the Future of Science and Technology, which has a ten-year time horizon.… Continue reading Nanotechnology for health: 10-year EU-US perspective

Holister on nanotechnology and energy

Paul Holister, winner of the 2003 Foresight Prize in Communication, has an upcoming book on nanotechnology and energy to be published by John Wiley. While we wait for that, we can read this interview at Excerpt: At the other extreme of nanotech impact, you have solar energy. We are children in this area, and… Continue reading Holister on nanotechnology and energy

Nanotechnology risk framework: your input requested

Environmental Defense and DuPont are pleased to announce the public release of a DRAFT version of their Nano Risk Framework — a framework for the responsible development, production, use and disposal of nanoscale materials. They’d appreciate your feedback so that they can make this framework as effective, practical, and useful for as wide an audience… Continue reading Nanotechnology risk framework: your input requested

Defense view of nanotechnology's potential

Nanowerk covers a February 2007 report from the U.S. Defense Science Board titled 21st Century Strategic Technology Vectors (pdf). Excerpts: DOD must also keep abreast of the most rapidly changing and emerging technologies as a necessary complement to the mission-driven perspective that is the focus of this report. Today these include bio-, info-, and nano-technologies.… Continue reading Defense view of nanotechnology's potential

Nanotechnology probe 'sees' atoms by chemical type

By now we’ve all seen AFM images of individual atoms — in black and white. Why only B&W? Why can’t the AFM show us the atoms in color, having each color indicate a different chemical element, as in our molecular modeling images? Now it can, and at room temperature, not only super-low temps as before.… Continue reading Nanotechnology probe 'sees' atoms by chemical type

What's next for nanotechnology

A recent issue of the useful journal Nanotechnology Law & Business includes a review (pdf) by Daniel Moore of J. Storrs Hall’s book Nanofuture: What’s Next for Nanotechnology. The conclusion: Nanofuture: What’s Next for Nanotechnology will be of interest to those looking for an introduction to the concepts of nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing. It is… Continue reading What's next for nanotechnology

One-atom thick carbon gauze via nanotechnology

The ever-vigilant brings us news of a one-atom thick freestanding (i.e., unattached) graphene carbon film: Physicists pioneer new super-thin technology Physicists at The University of Manchester and The Max-Planck Institute in Germany have created a new kind of a membrane that is only one atom thick. It’s believed this super-small structure can be used… Continue reading One-atom thick carbon gauze via nanotechnology

Nanotechnology researcher forum launches on Nature Network

Yesterday, the Nature group of publications launched the Nature Network website (pdf announcement), a free networking site for scientists: This Web 2.0 toolkit will help scientists everywhere to meet like-minded researchers, hold online discussions, showcase their work via personal homepages, share information with groups (open or private) and tag content. Participation is free to all,… Continue reading Nanotechnology researcher forum launches on Nature Network

Security implications of nanotechnology

Though we do not always agree with Gregor Wolbring, his column on nanotech and the military reminds us of a very difficult potential problem: The start of a nano arms race, and the lack of willingness to regulate potential synthetic biology through the modification of existing treaties or the application of existing treaties or the… Continue reading Security implications of nanotechnology

Your chance to influence nanotechnology policy

If you’re a Foresight member, you’re already helping improve nanotechnology policy, but here’s another way: apply to participate in the upcoming online course Debating Science and The Nanotechnology Debate. In the syllabus (pdf), the actual course name appears to be “Debating Science: Practical Reasoning and Nanotechnology”: For example, what is the current state of development… Continue reading Your chance to influence nanotechnology policy

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