Nanotech inhibitor for anthrax made by RPI and U. Toronto

From The Business Review (Albany), news of possibly important work on anthrax defense: “Researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., and the University of Toronto have collaborated on a successful design of a nanoscale assembly of molecules that counteracts anthrax toxin in animal and lab experiments. “The inhibitor works by preventing the assembly of… Continue reading Nanotech inhibitor for anthrax made by RPI and U. Toronto

Myosin can act as molecular transporter

Over at the Nanotech Briefs’ Nano Test Blog is a post on work by UIUC physicist Paul Selvin showing that myosin VI can act as a molecular transporter: ” ‘We found that, at high enough concentrations, some of the myosin molecules would find one another, they would dimerize, and they would start walking,’ Selvin said…’And,… Continue reading Myosin can act as molecular transporter

Nanotech exhibit opens at IEEE Virtual Museum

The IEEE Virtual Museum, targeted at the general public, has opened its nanotech exhibit. An excerpt: “Even with these real-world applications, the current uses of nanotechnology (other than nano-size particles of various materials) remain very limited…However, researchers are rapidly making progress toward what some think of as true nanotechnologies—self-assembling, molecule size machines to perform all… Continue reading Nanotech exhibit opens at IEEE Virtual Museum

UCSD physicists model 100,000-atom nanopore reading DNA

From New Scientist, we learn of the modeling by UCSD physicists of 100,000 atoms to test the design of a silicon nitride nanopore reading DNA 200 times faster than doable today: “The system could process the human genome in hours, researchers claim, compared with the 6 months it would take in today’s best labs. ”… Continue reading UCSD physicists model 100,000-atom nanopore reading DNA

Taiwan launches Nano Mark program

From a conference brochure for Nano Tech Taiwan 2006: “Taiwan’s pioneering Nano Mark campaign links industry, academia, and government to promote the development and marketing of quality products employing nanotechnology and protect consumer rights. Directed by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (Taiwan, ROC), it is the world’s first such national-scale… Continue reading Taiwan launches Nano Mark program

Nanocar gets nanomotor via US/Dutch collaboration

From Livescience: “In another feat in the effort to truly downsize Detroit, the researchers have now installed a miniature, light-powered motor in their diminutive automobile. “The nanocar is about as wide as a strand of DNA. Roughly 20,000 of them could park side-by-side in a lot no wider than a human hair. “Such small devices… Continue reading Nanocar gets nanomotor via US/Dutch collaboration

GreenNano webcast tomorrow morning

Sorry for the late notice, but I just learned about the live webcast tomorrow at 10:30 AM U.S. East Coast time by the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Wilson Center (ignore typo “Apr 11, 03:20 PM”): How “Green” is Nanotechnology? A Corporate Perspective “Nanotechnology has the potential to be doubly ‘green.’ It promises to… Continue reading GreenNano webcast tomorrow morning

Nanoscale brain repair: more detail from Nature

I’ve mentioned this MIT work before, but there’s a more technical summary available over at (free reg req’d): “Ellis-Behnke and colleagues have now taken things a step further by demonstrating the regeneration of functional brain tissue in live animals. They made cuts in the part of the midbrain of hamsters that processes vision, rendering… Continue reading Nanoscale brain repair: more detail from Nature

Single shot of nanospheres: complete tumor elimination

Kevin Bullis of brings us word of an MIT/Harvard collaboration on treating prostate cancer in mice just published in PNAS: “A single treatment of drug-bearing nanoparticles effectively destroys prostate cancer tumors in mice, according to experiments by researchers at MIT and Harvard Medical School. This approach could lead to powerful treatments without the side… Continue reading Single shot of nanospheres: complete tumor elimination

Reserve now for Summit with Drexler, Kurzweil, Hofstadter, Thiel, Jurvetson, etc. & moi

Reservations are now open for the Singularity Summit at Stanford, and based on the booking numbers I’ve just heard, we should expect the event to fill early. If you want to attend, it would be wise to reserve your seat right now. Eric Drexler will speak on productive nanosystems, Ray Kurzweil on how fast change… Continue reading Reserve now for Summit with Drexler, Kurzweil, Hofstadter, Thiel, Jurvetson, etc. & moi

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