Nano Today: free supplement to Materials Today

From the folks who bring you Materials Today (i.e., Elsevier), there’s also Nano Today. It’s an occasional supplement to the main publication, both of which are free of charge to those who meet their circulation profile. Sign up here. Selected articles are available free to all on the Nano Today website. For the December 2005… Continue reading Nano Today: free supplement to Materials Today

California aims to expand nano role

California’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nanotechnology (on which I am privileged to serve) issued its final report today. From Keay Davidson of the SF Chronicle: “In effect, it calls for a nanotech version of the state’s stem cell initiative, another instance in which the Golden State jumped on a high-tech bandwagon that many claim… Continue reading California aims to expand nano role

Nano controversy in Russia

Criticism from a Nobel physicist seems to be triggering a re-thinking of nanotech strategy in Russia. A decision on the proposed new, more tightly coordinated Federal Target Program is expected by March. Current funding for 2005 is said to be $49 million, and it’s hard to get much done at that level. —Christine

Average investors discouraged in finding nanotech pure-play

Chuck Jaffe of MarketWatch discourages average investors from investing in today’s early nano fund: “It’s not that nanotechnology is a bad business or that exchange-traded funds are a poor idea. It’s that the combination of the two, at this point in time, can’t deliver what investors like Roger really want, namely an intense focus on… Continue reading Average investors discouraged in finding nanotech pure-play

California nano task force final meeting is open to public

California’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nanotechnology — on which I am I proud to serve — will hold its final meeting this coming Monday. The public portion of the meeting begins at 1 PM (press at 12:30 PM). Hope to see you there: “California State Controller Steve Westly and Congressman Mike Honda will receive… Continue reading California nano task force final meeting is open to public

Israeli nano-armor on the way

Iddo Ganuth of IsraCast reports: “An Israeli company has recently tested one of the most shock-resistant materials known to man. Five times stronger than steel and at least twice as strong as any impact-resistant material currently in use as protective gear, the new nano-based material is on its way to becoming the armor of the… Continue reading Israeli nano-armor on the way

NanoBusiness Alliance joins call for nanosafety funding

In an op-ed in the Ft. Wayne News Sentinel picked up by Knight Ridder, the NanoBusiness Alliance joined with Environmental Defense in calling for increased nanosafety funding by the U.S. federal government: “For a technology as new, untested and potentially pervasive as this, we should be spending at least 10 percent of our research budget,… Continue reading NanoBusiness Alliance joins call for nanosafety funding

Fast, powerful protozoan "engine" runs on calcium

From EurekAlert: “Looking through his handmade microscope in 1702, it was Anton van Leeuwenhoek who first described the workings of a nano machine. He observed the rapid contraction of a stalk tethering the cell body of a tiny protozoan, Vorticella convallaria, to the surface of a leaf. Little did van Leeuwenhoek imagine that more than… Continue reading Fast, powerful protozoan "engine" runs on calcium

Nanotech for poverty alleviation

With a focus on near-term nanotech, the Meridian Institute has launched Nanotechnology and Development News, a free daily service delivering news on how nanotechnology can help alleviate poverty: “Each day, you will view succinct summaries of the most pertinent information about the opportunities and risks nanotechnology may present for developing countries.  We provide balanced information… Continue reading Nanotech for poverty alleviation

Strong, stable DNA tetrahedra made quickly with high yield

Belle Dume writes at PhysicsWeb: “A simple method to create robust DNA “pyramids” that self-assemble in seconds has been invented by physicists in the UK. Each side of the tetrahedral pyramid is made up of a double helix of DNA…t creates nanoscale tetrahedra of DNA that self-assemble in a single step in just seconds with… Continue reading Strong, stable DNA tetrahedra made quickly with high yield

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