Nano boom in Louisiana

Kristine Palmquist writes "Small Times has an extensive article on the increase of nano research and industry in Louisiana. Coverage includes R&D efforts by: the Louisiana Technology Council; Louisiana State University's Advanced Materials Research Institute, Health Sciences Center, and Neuroscience Center; University of Louisiana at Lafayette; Tulane University; University of New Orleans Research and Technology Park; Mezzo Systems; Analytical Specialties, Inc.; Axxon LLC; Louisiana Tech's Institute for Micromachining; the Louisiana Accelerator Center; and a consortium of Louisiana Universities, The Micro/Nano Technologies Consortium for Advanced Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensors."

German researchers report optical manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensate

from the earl-grey,-hot,-please dept.
According to a press release (3 January 2002), researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching and at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich have been able to manipulate atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate with an optical lattice, allowing them to create a new phase of matter with an exact number of atoms at each lattice site. The researchers observed the phase transition between two dramatically different states of matter close to temperatures of absolute zero.

In a Bose-Einstein condensate, the atoms loose their individuality and a wave-like state of matter is created that can be compared in many ways to laser light. In the new work, the scientists store a Bose-Einstein condensate in a three-dimensional lattice of microscopic light traps. By increasing the strength of the lattice, the researchers are able to dramatically alter the properties of the dilute gas of atoms and induce a quantum phase transition from the superfluid phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate to a Mott insulator phase.

For a weak optical lattice the atoms form a superfluid phase of a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this phase, each atom is spread out over the entire lattice in a wave-like manner as predicted by quantum mechanics. The gas of atoms may then move freely through the lattice. For a strong optical lattice the researchers observe a transition to an insulating phase, with an exact number of atoms at each lattice site. Now the movement of the atoms through the lattice is blocked due to the repulsive interactions between them. The researchers were also able to show that it is possible to reversibly cross the phase transition between these two states of matter.

Researchers say nanotube

According to a press release (3 January 2002), researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Pennsylvania have discovered that carbon nanotubes packed with fullerene spheres, like so many peas in a pod, have tunable electronic properties. They reported their work in the 3 January 2002 issue of Science.

"Our measurements show that encapsulation of molecules can dramatically modify the electronic properties of single-wall nanotubes," said Ali Yazdani, a professor of physics at UI. "We also show that an ordered array of encapsulated molecules can be used to engineer electron motion inside nanotubes in a predictable way."

To explore the properties of these novel nanostructures, Yazdani and coworkers used a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope to image the physical structure of individual peapods and to map the motion of electrons inside them. The encapsulated fullerenes modify the electronic properties of the nanotube without affecting its atomic structure. "In contrast to unfilled nanotubes, peapods exhibit additional electronic features that are strongly dependent on the location along the tube," Yazdani said. Because the local electronic properties of single-wall nanotubes can be selectively modified by the encapsulation of a single molecule, the technique might one day be used to define on-tube electronic devices.

Update: An article on the Wired website ("Nanotech Fine-Tuning", by Mark K. Anderson, 4 January 2002) provides some additional coverage, with some perspective from Yazdani, as well as Cees Dekker and Calvin Quate.

Greater Washington Nanotech Group holds open house events

Some presentations on nanotechnology and materials science from an open house held at the University of Maryland Department of Physics held on 25 October 2001 are available on the UMD website. The open house was part of a series of events being sponsored by the Greater Washington (D.C.) Nanotech Group, a loose coalition of Greater Washington-area universities and government laboratories, to highlight area facilities and research programs in nanoscience and promote innovation in research by encouraging collaborative interactions among scientists engaged in complimentary research activities.

Other upcoming NanoScience Open House events are also listed on the UMD website.

Alife: researchers claim software agents evolve purposeful behavior

from the basic-motivations dept.
An article in Technology Research News ("Software agents evolve purpose", by Kimberly Patch, 2 January 2002) describes work by researchers from the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics at the Russian Academy of Science have shown that purposeful behavior can emerge naturally in a software simulation that has simple software beings, or agents, evolving over many generations. The researchers described these evolved behaviors as purposeful motivation. The researchers say the simulation showed that a system that uses motivations to control simple reflexes can emerge in an evolutionary process. Having motivation was an advantage likely to be passed on to subsequent generations of the agents, said Mikhail Burtsev, one of the researchers. "The population of agents with motivations had obvious selective advantages compared with the population of agents without motivations," he said.

The researchers began with a small population of simple, identical neural-net based agents that could move, eat (gain energy from the environment), and mate with other agents to reproduce. The agent population as a whole had one goal — survival. This goal required individuals to push toward two basic subgoals — to replenish energy, and to reproduce, said Burtsev. The agents evolved to seek out [food] and other agents. "The most important thing here is that we didn't force agents to follow these needs. The needs were prescribed explicitly by [the] environment, and only agents that had these two needs could successfully undergo selection pressure," said Burtsev.

The article also contains comments from another artificial life researcher, who expressed some skepticism at the interpretation that the agents had evolved motivated behavior; rather, he said, it may simply be the result of the neural net having better access to information about the environment and acting on it more effectively.

The Russian researchersí technical paper ("A Life Model of Evolutionary Emergence of Purposeful Adaptive Behavior") is available online at the Lawrence National Laboratory archive, as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.

Workshop on Nanostructures for Electronics, Optics

Torsten Mueller writes "[Here is the] First announcement of the International Workshop on Nanostructures for Electronics and Optics – NEOP, August 18 – 21, 2002, Dresden, Germany.
The organizers would like to inform you about this 3-day workshop. The full, updated information can be found under

Topics are

Organizers and Sponsors are the company ZMD AG, the Research Center Rossendorf, the Center of Competence – Nanotechnology."


Seeman Lab at NYU reports advance on DNA nano-device

from the A-new-twist dept.
According to a press release (2 January 2002), Nadrian Seeman and his co-workers at New York University have been able to create a more robust, controllable version of the rudimentary DNA-based device that Seemanís group first reported they had created in January 1999 (see report in Foresight Update 36).
According to the release, the new device "improves upon previously developed nano-scale DNA devices because it allows for better-controlled movement within larger DNA constructs. The researchers say that the new device may help build the foundation for the development of sophisticated machines at a molecular scale, ultimately evolving to the development of nano-robots that might some day build new molecules, computer circuits or fight infectious diseases." Their research is reported in the 3 January 2002 issue of Nature.

The January 1999 version of the device constructed from DNA molecules had two rigid arms that could be rotated from fixed positions by adding a chemical to the solution. However, the chemical affected all molecules within a structure uniformly. The most recent findings demonstrate how movement can be manipulated within molecule pairs without affecting others within a larger structure. This is done by inserting DNA ìsetî and ìfuelî strands into individual molecule pairs. Scientists used special DNA molecule pairs and produced a half-turn rotation by converting them from one configuration into a second configuration by removing the set strands with fuel strands and replacing them with new set strands that reconfigure the structure of the device.

Update: An illustration of the new DNA-based device, along with a not particularly lucid explanation of the change in configuration that produces the rotation, is available on this page of the Seeman groupís website.

Dr. Seeman was awarded the 1995 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (see Foresight Update 23) in recognition of his pioneering work to synthesize complex three-dimensional structures with DNA molecules.

Article, quoting Foresight, says nanotech benefits must be global

An article from the Inter Press Service ("Nanotech should help the world, not just the West, experts warn", 2 January 2002) says "Scientific breakthroughs last year heralded potential benefits for developing countries but experts urge that research be managed in a socially responsible manner." The piece focuses on breakthroughs in nanotechnology (molecular electronics and computing, in particular) and their potential impact on the developing world. The article contains extensive quotes from the Foresight Guidelines for the safe development of nanotechnology. Also quoted are the head of the United Nations Development Program and the non-profit American Council for the United Nations University; both organizations cited the need to ensure that scientists from around the world — not just in the West — actively participate in cutting-edge research projects.

Brainstorming to prevent nanotech-based terrorism

from the Applied-group-genius dept.
In his weekly column on technology and public policy for Tech Central Station, University of Tennessee law professor and Foresight Director Glenn Reynolds calls 2001 "the year that people started to get serious about the promises and dangers of nanotechnology" ("Preventing Nanoterror Now", 27 December 2001). Reynolds lauds recent efforts to envision ñ and therefore prevent — possible dangers from and misuse of molecular nanotechnology, such as the recent AAAS symposium that included a panel discussion on nanotech dangers that included Eric Drexler, and points to efforts such as the Foresight Guidelines for the safe development of nanotechnology.

But Reynolds goes on to suggest that policy makers need to do much more to develop a broad vision of potential nanotech threats. One possibility: "get together technical experts, leading science fiction writers, experts on terrorism, and some people who have thought about the social impacts of nanotechnology, and have them brainstorm on the kinds of threats that might emerge. From this, we could then move to a consideration of how to prevent those threats from becoming realities. . . . To broaden the idea base, we might also solicit suggestions from the general public", perhaps from web-based forums such as here on Nanodot. "I imagine that such an effort would yield thousands of ideas, from which experts could evaluate the best", says Reynolds. And he concludes:

"Where this powerful technology is concerned, a nanogram of prevention is worth a kilogram of cure. Letís start thinking about nanoterrorism now, while we have the luxury of time. Itís a luxury that wonít last forever."

Quantum dots allow communication with, perhaps control of, brain cells

An article in EE Times ("Scientists activate neurons with quantum dots", by R. Colin Johnson, 6 December 2001) describes research by scientists led by Christine Schmidt, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Texas-Austin to use quantum dot devices to selective electrical contacts to neurons. According to the article, by selectively coding peptides that coated quantum dots, University of Texas scientists precisely controlled the spacing of hundreds of quantum dots on the surface of the living neurons. The cadmium sulfide contacts act as photodetectors, allowing researchers to communicate with the cells using precise wavelengths of light.

The research has some . . . interesting implications:

In this new biological application, attaching quantum dots directly to cells eliminates the need for external electrodes. The procedure is entirely non-invasive, similar to the use of fluorescent dyes to mark cells. And since molecular recognition is used, it is a "smart" technology that can pick precisely which capability will be controlled on each neuron to which a quantum dot is attached. Taken to the logical extreme, biologists could remotely control any neural function by activating select neurons.

"Presumably, in the future we will be able to turn on an ion channel or turn off something else," said Schmidt. "We could have highly regulated activity in the neuron. . . . One idea is to put a quantum dot right next to a protein channel ó one that opens and closes ó allowing ions to go in and out, and basically control the ion exchange, which in turn controls action potentials [neuron 'firing']. These are the electrical signals with which the neuron interacts with the brain."

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