A modular molecular composite nanosystem for solar power

A bacterial virus called M13 was genetically engineered to control the arrangement of carbon nanotubes, improving solar-cell efficiency by nearly one-third.

New software aids design of 3-D DNA structures

New software for scaffolded DNA origami makes it easier to predict what shape will result from a given DNA template.

Medical nanorobots win poll on engineering's Next Big Thing

A poll of NewScientist readers selected medical nanorobots as the technology that will have the biggest impact on human life in the next 30 years.

Protein, RNA, DNA: Nanotechnology finds a multitude of paths to attack cancer cells

Protein, RNA, DNA provide very different molecular architectures for nanotechnology to adopt to deliver drugs to cancer cells while sparing healthy cells.

Promise and challenge on the road to practical graphene electronics

Smaller, faster, cooler: graphene transistors show promise for practical analog signal processors, for magnetic memory devices, and for self-cooling electronic circuits.

'Good Cholesterol' nanoparticles silence cancer-promoting genes and destroy cancer cells

‘Good Cholesterol’ nanoparticles are non-toxic and use the need of cancer cells for HDL cholesterol to deliver RNA molecules to silence the expression of cancer-promoting genes.

Much faster directed evolution of proteins could speed development of molecular machine systems

Phage-assisted continuous evolution of proteins is roughly a hundred times faster than conventional laboratory evolution of proteins, perhaps speeding the development of components for molecular machine systems.

Combined computational and experimental study illuminates motions of molecules across a surface

Combined computational and experimental study shows molecules walking, hopping and flying across a surface; may lead to controlling molecular motion.

Nanotechnology boosts anticancer drug cocktail many times over

Porous silica nanoparticles covered with a lipid bilayer deliver large doses of drugs and kill cancer cells a million fold better than do simple liposomes.

DNA nanotechnology builds 3D forms with complex curves (includes video)

The capabilities of scaffolded DNA origami procedures have been expanded to construct arbitrary, two- and three-dimensional shapes.

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