Optimizing hierarchical protein design for nanotechnology

New computational results reveal how the proper hierarchical assembly of smaller protein domains optimizes mechanical properties.

Cool new nanocars

A new nanocar that runs cool — at room temperature — has been demonstrated by the research group of Stephan Link, colleague of James Tour at Rice. Tour won Foresight’s Feynman Prize last year for his earlier nanocar work. This press release describes several novel features of the latest work. In particular, the new cars… Continue reading Cool new nanocars

How to specify semiconductor or metallic graphene for use in nanotechnology

Computer simulations have shown that graphene deposited on a silicon dioxide surface will be either a semiconductor or a metal depending on whether the underlying layer is terminated with oxygen atoms or passivated with hydrogen atoms.

Making energy transfer in solar cells more efficient

Canadian scientists have discovered how chemical structure can elicit a quantum state that permits the ultrafast movement of energy along an organic polymer.

Targeting brain cancer cells with nanotechnology makes them less invasive

In new variation of ways to use nanotech to treat cancer, scientists have shown that using a scorpion toxin to target nanoparticles to brain cancer cells depletes the amount on the cancer cell surface of a protein required to make the cells invasive. From the National Cancer Institute’s Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer “Toxin-nanoparticle combo… Continue reading Targeting brain cancer cells with nanotechnology makes them less invasive

Preparing perfectly aligned arrays of semiconducting SWNTs for nanotechnology applications

Now comes a method to prepare high-density arrays of perfectly aligned, 95%-pure semiconducting SWNTs.

EPA encourages input to develop risk management practices for nanotechnology

Following up on recent posts about concern in the insurance industry and in Congress about risk management practices for (current and near-term) nanotechnology, David Forrest passes along this news of recent action at EPA: The EPA has published their Interim Report on the Nanomaterials Stewardship Program and continues to invite comment for the final version.… Continue reading EPA encourages input to develop risk management practices for nanotechnology

Nanotechnology provides a possible route to a space elevator

Cambridge University scientists announced a way of making long thin carbon nanotubes link together to form a material that might suffice to built a space elevator.

Insurance industry looking for more data on nanotechnology risks

Last September we wrote that one insurer would “no longer insure against bodily injury, property damage, or personal and advertising injury related to the actual, alleged, or threatened presence of or exposure to nanotubes or nanotechnology in any form.” Now Christine Peterson passes along this item from Rhitu Chatterjee writing in the American Chemical Society… Continue reading Insurance industry looking for more data on nanotechnology risks

Molecular motors progress for biosensors supports need for open source sensing

In light of the call for open-source sensing arising from nanotech-based environmental monitoring, it is interesting to note this recent progress in building a nanotech-powered biosensor powered by molecular motors.

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