Nanotechnology researcher to receive Sackler Prize in Biophysics

Dr. David Baker, who with Dr. Brian Kuhlman was awarded the 2004 Foresight Nanotech Institute Feynman Prize for Theory, will be one of three winners of the 2008 Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Biophysics. Dr. Baker has been featured on Nanodot posts this year for inviting online gamers to aid in protein design… Continue reading Nanotechnology researcher to receive Sackler Prize in Biophysics

Mechanosynthesis with AFM as a step toward advanced nanotechnology

Robert A. Freitas Jr. brings to our attention a major step on the road to advanced nanotech, published a couple weeks ago in Science (abstract). He writes: This paper reports purely mechanical-based covalent bond-making and bond-breaking (true mechanosynthesis) involving atom by atom substitution of silicon (Si) atoms for tin (Sn) atoms in an Sn monolayer… Continue reading Mechanosynthesis with AFM as a step toward advanced nanotechnology

Computational nanotechnology designs more efficient material for solar cells

Combining electrically conductive polymers, transition metal atoms, and spin-coating to form thin films could lead to solar cells with two major advantages that would make them more efficient at converting light to electricity.

Calculating the role of Casimir forces in nanotechnology

Swedish scientists have developed a computer program to calculate Casimir forces between various types of nanostructured materials, which may help to determine whether significant friction problems exist in specific designs.

Nanotechnology roadmap draws attention for importance of nanosystems design

On the Editor’s Page at Medical DeviceLinkCom, Shana Leonard writes about the crucial need for design and modeling techniques to guide nanosystems development toward fabrication, and cites the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. From “A Different Kind of Intelligent Design” Drawing from numerous workshops held from 2005 to 2007, Battelle (Columbus, OH) and the Foresight… Continue reading Nanotechnology roadmap draws attention for importance of nanosystems design

Measuring picometers to advance nanotechnology

A recent review describes the advantages to nanotech of advances in electron microscopy that allow mapping electron states localized at or between atoms.

Atomically precise nanotechnology leading to new catalysts

The emerging ability to control the sizes of these clusters to atomic precision affords new opportunities for designing novel catalysts.

A molecule printer for nanotechnology based on spinning carbon nanotubes

Atoms or molecules could be pumped through the spinning inner CNT to form patterns of atoms or molecules—a nanotech inkjet printer.

Nanotechnology controls crystal morphology for energy and environmental applications

Researchers have developed a method of producing titanium oxide crystals with more reactive surfaces.

Nanotechnology online: gamers invited to aid protein design

Can online gamers add to the nanotech toolkit for perfecting the de novo design of proteins that do not exist in nature?

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