Arrays of artificial molecular machines could lead to atomically precise nanotechnology

A tutorial review available after free registration presents a theory-based exploration of the difficulty in moving from simple molecular switches to arrays of artificial molecular machines capable to doing substantial, useful external work.

RNA CAD tool for synthetic biology may facilitate RNA nanotechnology

RNA CAD tools developed for RNA-regulated control of gene expression in synthetic biology successfully engineered metabolic pathways in bacteria. Will engineering RNA-based genetic control systems lead to design tools for other RNA-based molecular machine systems?

Tutorial review of the promise of artificial molecular machines

A tutorial review addresses the distinction between the many simple artificial molecular devices that are currently available and truly effective artificial molecular machines that would mimic the ubiquitous molecular machines present in living systems.

Lecture by Eric Drexler at Oxford on physical law and the future of nanotechnology (video)

In a lecture at Oxford Eric Drexler argued that atomically precise manufacturing will be the next great revolution in the material basis of civilization, and discussed how we can establish reliable knowledge about key aspects of such technologies.

Using DNA as bonds to build new materials from nanoparticles

Varying the length of the DNA used to connect the nanoparticles provides for a wide variety of nanoparticle sizes and crystal symmetries.

Nanotechnology using designed peptides to build supramolecular structures on surfaces

An algorithm helps design peptides that will self-assemble on a given surface to produce a supramolecular structure of desired geometry.

2011 Foresight Institute Feynman Prize deadline is September 30, 2011

Submit your own work or nominate a colleague for the 2011 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes.

Handling flexible parts in RNA nanotechnology

New computational method screens for small molecules that bind to RNA molecules that move through a variety of conformations.

Does quantum tunneling complicate theoretical studies of nanotechnology?

Does the recent discovery that quantum tunneling controls a chemical reaction of a carbene complicate theoretical studies of nanotechnology, especially of diamond mechanosynthesis?

Theoretical work establishes structural stability of nanoscale diamond structures

Computational studies show that small diamond structures of the type that might serve as nanoparts in diamondoid molecular machinery are structurally stable.

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