First DNA "motors" self-assembled by Lucent/Oxford

from the nano-vroom-vroom? dept.
Correction from EricDrexler: these are more accurately called actuators, not motors.
From the revised press release : "Scientists from Bell Labs, the research and development arm of Lucent Technologies, and the University of Oxford have created the first DNA motors. The devices, which resemble motorized tweezers, are 100,000 times smaller than the head of a pin, and the techniques used to make them may lead to computers that are 1,000 times more powerful than today's machines…The researchers designed pieces of synthetic DNA that would recognize each other during each step of making the DNA motors. As a result, the only necessary ingredients in a laboratory test tube were DNA itself. “Because DNA acts as the 'fuel' for these motors, they are completely self-sufficient and do not require other chemicals to operate, '' [Bell Labs physicist Bernard] Yurke said. The self-assembling aspect of the DNA motors also is crucial for manufacturing nanodevices." See the photo. Additional coverage of this work can be found in an article from the New York Times (free, but registration required).

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