Foresight Co-Founder Christine Peterson will speak on “High-Leverage Altruism” at Effective Altruism Global 2016, August 5-7, 2016, Berkeley, California. This is the fourth annual conference of Effective Altruism, “a growing community based on using reason and evidence to improve the world as much as possible. This year, around 1000 attendees and over 50 speakers from around the world are expected to attend.” Featured topics include “CRISPR: Can and should we use it to end malaria?”, “How will philanthropy shape the development of breakthrough technologies?”, “Can we end global poverty within a generation? How?”, “Risks and benefit of advanced AI”, and “Replacing meat, reducing suffering”. EA Global 2016 is organized by the Effective Altruists of Berkeley in collaboration with the Centre for Effective Altruism. For more information on what Effective Altruism is, visit effectivealtruism.org or whatiseffectivealtruism.com.
Peterson will also speak on nanotechnology a few weeks later at the Singularity University Global Summit, August 28-30, 2016, San Francisco, California. SU Global Summit is the definitive gathering for those who understand the critical importance of exponential technologies, the impact they’ll have on the future of humanity, and the disruption these technologies will cause across all industries. Other speakers include Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, and Melanie Swan; an unconference component is included as well.
If you do attend either of these meetings, Christine asks that you stop by and say hello!
—James Lewis, PhD