Longtime Foresight member, and since October 2012 Technology Manager, Advanced Manufacturing Office, U.S. Department of Energy, David Forrest passes along these funding announcements about new opportunities at DOE:
Those of you in the Atomically Precise Manufacturing community should be aware of new funding opportunities:
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today [Dec. 13, 2017] announced up to $100 million in funding for new projects as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA‑E) latest OPEN funding opportunity. OPEN will support America’s top innovators through dozens of early-stage research and development projects as they build technologies to transform the nation’s energy system. …
The deadline to submit a concept paper is February 12, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. E.T.Energy Frontier Research Center
Today, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced a proposed $99 million in Fiscal Year 2018 funding for Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) to accelerate transformative scientific advances for the most challenging topics in materials sciences, chemical sciences, geosciences, and biosciences. Research supported by this initiative will provide fundamental understanding to enable future advances in energy production and use. …
Between the work in atomically precise catalysts and atomically precise membranes, I think the transformative nature of APM and the energy impact could hit all the marks for these solicitations. Scanning probe molecular assembly and integrated nanosystems may be a harder sell but could perhaps be convincingly rationalized for these solicitations.
Good luck to all who decide to apply! And please spread the word about these opportunities.
David R. Forrest, Sc.D., PE, FASM [email protected]
Technology Manager
Department of Energy
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Advanced Manufacturing Office
Almost exactly a year ago, David forwarded us a New Funding Opportunity from U.S. DOE announcement. We can hope these yearly funding announcements continue and grow, and that progress toward atomically precise manufacturing secures an abundant and sustainable energy future.
—James Lewis, PhD
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