Nanosurveillance to detect illegal drugs

From today’s Altair Nanotechnologies press release: “The president and CEO of Altair Nanotechnologies (Altairnano), today urged the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation to provide increased federal funding for nanotechnology, suggesting that the initiative could be compared to the man-on-the-moon or Human Genome projects… “As for the chemical/biological sensors, Altairnano continues its work with… Continue reading Nanosurveillance to detect illegal drugs

Team of 15 companies and NGOs call for nanosafety funding

A group of 15 companies and non-profit organizations today sent a letter to each member of the U.S. Senate and House Appropriations Committees, calling for an increase in federal nanosafety funding. While the National Nanotechnology Initiative legislation has included funding for creating new nanotechnologies, and for studying their societal impact, it did not mandate a… Continue reading Team of 15 companies and NGOs call for nanosafety funding

U.S. President calls for doubling of nanotech funding

In his State of the Union address, President Bush called for nanotech U.S. federal funding to be doubled. From “First, I propose to double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years. This funding will support the work of America’s most creative minds… Continue reading U.S. President calls for doubling of nanotech funding

Don't judge a nanotech white paper by its cover

A brief nanotech white paper from Cientifica (registration req’d — press oblong “download” button on left to get reg screen) explains the reason why government research spending on nanotech takes a while to reach commercial use. From the conclusion: “Given the two to three year lag between funding being granted and a laboratory starting work,… Continue reading Don't judge a nanotech white paper by its cover

California aims to expand nano role

California’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nanotechnology (on which I am privileged to serve) issued its final report today. From Keay Davidson of the SF Chronicle: “In effect, it calls for a nanotech version of the state’s stem cell initiative, another instance in which the Golden State jumped on a high-tech bandwagon that many claim… Continue reading California aims to expand nano role

Nano controversy in Russia

Criticism from a Nobel physicist seems to be triggering a re-thinking of nanotech strategy in Russia. A decision on the proposed new, more tightly coordinated Federal Target Program is expected by March. Current funding for 2005 is said to be $49 million, and it’s hard to get much done at that level. —Christine

California nano task force final meeting is open to public

California’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nanotechnology — on which I am I proud to serve — will hold its final meeting this coming Monday. The public portion of the meeting begins at 1 PM (press at 12:30 PM). Hope to see you there: “California State Controller Steve Westly and Congressman Mike Honda will receive… Continue reading California nano task force final meeting is open to public

NanoBusiness Alliance joins call for nanosafety funding

In an op-ed in the Ft. Wayne News Sentinel picked up by Knight Ridder, the NanoBusiness Alliance joined with Environmental Defense in calling for increased nanosafety funding by the U.S. federal government: “For a technology as new, untested and potentially pervasive as this, we should be spending at least 10 percent of our research budget,… Continue reading NanoBusiness Alliance joins call for nanosafety funding

Public comments open on EPA nanotech white paper

Now is the time to get your comments in on the U.S. EPA’s draft white paper on nanotech. An excerpt: “We are currently nearing the end of basic research and development on the first generation of materials resulting from nanotechnologies that include coatings, polymers, more reactive catalysts, etc. (Figure 2). The second generation, which we… Continue reading Public comments open on EPA nanotech white paper

Nanofilm president on nano for the environment

Scott Rickert, chief executive of Nanofilm and a Foresight Participating Member, writes in Industry Week on his work to advance both nanotech and nanosafety: “I saw the process in action this autumn when I joined a session of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Nanotechnology Work Group. This newly formed committee, which consists of stakeholders from science,… Continue reading Nanofilm president on nano for the environment

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