New Nanotech Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! Glenn is on our board. Sign up at upper right to get ongoing nano news from us. Keeping scrolling below to see much liveblogging from the nano conference last week.—Christine We at Foresight are often get inquiries from those who wish to invest in nanotechnology stocks and want advice. Unfortunately, we… Continue reading New Nanotech Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

Zyvex: molecularly precise nanomanufacturing

Liveblogging the Foresight Conference: Just finishing up is Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex, introduced as a “rock star of nanotechnology” by Charlie Harris. His goal is molecularly precise manufacturing of products at any length scale. He is agnostic on the method. They just won an R&D 100 award, and have quite a long list of… Continue reading Zyvex: molecularly precise nanomanufacturing

Next up: Carl Kohrt, CEO Battelle

Keynote for today is Carl Kohrt, CEO of Battelle, the giant research organization that runs three US national labs. He is describing their alliance with Foresight on the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, their own (large) Battelle Nanotechnology Innovation Network, how these relate to the Foresight Challenges, and his projections for what’s coming in the… Continue reading Next up: Carl Kohrt, CEO Battelle

Innovest launches index to track responsible nanotech companies

As reported on the Investment & Pensions Europe website, Innovest has launched a new Nanotechnology Index that addresses risk and risk perception: “The index is designed to identify companies that are contributing to a better understanding of the risks, but committed to delivering benefits from nanotechnology in medicine, clean water and energy, says Innovest… “Innovest… Continue reading Innovest launches index to track responsible nanotech companies


From the ever-diligent Charles Q. Choi, on work by physicist Shubhra Gangopadhyay at the University of Missouri at Columbia: “The researchers [have] coated devices made of glass with a mixture of nanoparticle fuel such as aluminum and oxidizer such as iron oxide. The nanoparticle quality of the fuel and oxidizer provides far greater surface area… Continue reading Nanoexplosions-on-a-chip

Quickie intro to nanoinvesting mostly useful, but only mostly

A very quick intro to nanotech investing in Wired News by Joanna Glasner includes some very good advice that one hopes anyone contemplating such an investment will pay close attention to, such as: “Beware of marketing labels: If a company has ‘nano’ in its name, [Matthew Nordan of Lux Research] cautions, that doesn’t necessarily mean… Continue reading Quickie intro to nanoinvesting mostly useful, but only mostly

Nanotech solar power planned for rooftops, siding

A useful article in today’s San Francisco Chronicle by Paul Carlstrom — “As solar gets smaller, its future gets brighter: Nanotechnology could turn rooftops into a sea of power-generating stations” — describes the current state of near-term nanotech’s contribution to solar energy technologies. “With nanotechnology, tiny solar cells can be printed onto flexible, very thin… Continue reading Nanotech solar power planned for rooftops, siding

Lux Research warns of nanotech risks

A new report on environmental, health, and safety (EHS) risks from nanotechnology: “Lux Research, one of a handful of investment advisory firms that focuses on nanotechnology companies, said corporations including Lockheed Martin and Kraft Foods Inc. spent $3.8 billion on nanotech research and development last year. Yet, it said corporate EHS officers are ‘mostly unaware… Continue reading Lux Research warns of nanotech risks

Risks and rewards of nanotechnology, from OECD and Allianz

The attitude taken by insurance companies toward nanotech will have a major impact on the field. The OECD and Allianz, an insurance firm, have published a study on the opportunities and risks of nanotechnology (available in pdf format, 2.7 MB). From the announcement: “Allianz believes that it would not be appropriate to create a general… Continue reading Risks and rewards of nanotechnology, from OECD and Allianz

Northwestern tops Berkeley in earliest nanobusiness course

An earlier post discussed a new nanobusiness course at UC Berkeley, saying it was the first one, to our knowledge. Our knowledge has now expanded: Sean Murdock has taught such a course at Northwestern for a couple of years, and Rod Ruoff taught it for a year before that. Anyone earlier out there? –CP

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