Mechanical control of conductance through a single molecule junction

New options to control nanoelectronic systems may arise from the demonstration that mechanical manipulation can control conductance through single molecule electrode junctions.

More on first programmable nanoprocessor

James C. Ellenbogen writes to provide insight and personal perspective on the world’s first programmable nanoprocessor, achieved as the product of a collaboration between Harvard and MITRE, with the team at MITRE comprising Shamik Das, James Klemic, and Ellenbogen.

First programmable nanowire circuits for nanoprocessors

Researchers at Harvard and MITRE have produced the world’s first programmable nanoprocessor

Researchers Develop method to Distinguish Classical from Quantum Behavior in Electrons

Sometimes the behavior of electrons in nanostructures can be modelled using classical laws of motion, while at other times more computationally challenging quantum methods are necessary to obtain useful results. Christopher W. Ince of the Nanotechnology Research Foundation writes with news of a new method to distinguish classical from quantum behavior in electrons: Researchers from… Continue reading Researchers Develop method to Distinguish Classical from Quantum Behavior in Electrons

Molecular building blocks form three-dimensional structures on surfaces

The formation of a supramolecular bilayer is induced by buckyball guest molecules.

Project launched to create and test a molecular-sized processor chip

Singapore and European Union launch project to create and test a molecular-sized processor chip.

How graphene could complement or replace silicon in electronic applications

A review article presents the amazing features of graphene and discusses how it might complement or replace silicon for the fabrication of electronic devices.

Graphene research wins Physics Nobel for European nanotechnologists

Unique properties of two-dimensional arrays of carbon atoms promise both immediate applications and advantages for the development of advanced nanotechnology.

Singapore pursues Atom Technology & atomically precise manufacturing

Nanotechnology Now brings news of a recent Atom Technology workshop in Singapore featuring dual Foresight Institute Feynman Prize winner Christian Joachim, Feynman Prize founder Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex Labs and Zyvex Asia, and Foresight Roadmap participant Damian Allis of Syracuse University: Atom Technology is IMRE’s flagship program led by well known scientist Prof. Christian… Continue reading Singapore pursues Atom Technology & atomically precise manufacturing

Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor

Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor. Very nice writeup of the research over at Next Big Future. To my mind what’s new here isn’t the transistor per se — semiconducting and conductive states have been known in CNTs for over a decade, and FET and diode-like arrangements of them have been around for the same.… Continue reading Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor

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