Technology Review: Complex Integrated Circuits Made of Carbon Nanotubes

Technology Review: Complex Integrated Circuits Made of Carbon Nanotubes. The first three-dimensional carbon nanotube circuits, made by researchers at Stanford University, could be an important step in making nanotube computers that could be faster and use less power than today’s silicon chips. Such a computer is still at least 10 years off, but the Stanford… Continue reading Technology Review: Complex Integrated Circuits Made of Carbon Nanotubes

Nanotechnology researchers find reliable, mess-free way to grow graphene

Nanotechnology researchers find reliable, mess-free way to grow graphene. from nanowerk “You can imagine trying to peel a piece of shrink wrap off a dish to put it on a new dish — it’s going to be messy,” said lead researcher Jiwoong Park, Cornell assistant professor of chemistry and chemical biology. Inspired by previous work… Continue reading Nanotechnology researchers find reliable, mess-free way to grow graphene

Potential leap forward in electron microscopy

Potential leap forward in electron microscopy. from Eurekalert. Why it matters: A non-invasive electron microscope could shed light on fundamental questions about life and matter, allowing researchers to observe molecules inside a living cell without disturbing them. If successful, such microscopes would surmount what Nobel laureate Dennis Gabor concluded in 1956 was the fundamental limitation… Continue reading Potential leap forward in electron microscopy

Hardware –> Software

An interesting question was posed to my “Do the math” post of last week: What does this have to do with nanotechnology? A little history helps, as usual. Eniac plugboard: Hardware or software?

Memories: nanotech?

Some interesting developments in memories: This Nanowerk story reports results out of Alex Zettl’s group at Berkeley on a memory cell that consists of an iron nanoparticle which can be moved back and forth in a nanotube. More information on this can be found at Zettl’s site here. This memory, like someother nanotech schemes, relies… Continue reading Memories: nanotech?

Negative resistance

If you connect a 12-volt battery to a 4-ohm lamp, 3 amps of current will flow through the circuit by Ohm’s Law, V=IR. Power = VI = 36 watts will be dissipated by the lamp. If you add a 2-ohm resistor in series with the lamp, the resistances add to 6 ohms, the current is… Continue reading Negative resistance

Anisotropic semi-Dirac electrons in atomically-precise trilayers

In Arthur C. Clarke’s classic SF novel Against the Fall of Night, there is a description of the “moving ways”, the powered sidewalks on which people rode around the city, as being made of a material that would have baffled an engineer of our own times because it was solid in one direction and liquid… Continue reading Anisotropic semi-Dirac electrons in atomically-precise trilayers

A nanotechnology route to quantum computers through hybrid rotaxanes

A major advance in molecular machine fabrication allows the construction of rotaxane molecular shuttles in which organic and inorganic components are mechanically linked in the same molecular structure.

Making energy transfer in solar cells more efficient

Canadian scientists have discovered how chemical structure can elicit a quantum state that permits the ultrafast movement of energy along an organic polymer.

New organic synthesis to provide nanotechnology a way to make structurally pure carbon nanotubes

The synthesis and characterization of molecules called cycloparaphenylenes could provide nanotech with an efficient way of producing armchair carbon nanotubes of pre-determined diameter.

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