Nanotechnology motors use enhanced catalysis to surpass speeds of biological motors

By adding carbon nanotubes to catalytic nanowires, nanotechnology has produced simple nanomotors that can surpass biological motors (somewhat).

New nanotechnology method grows nanotrees from nanowires

Forests of spiraling nanotrees made from lead sulfide nanowires may lead to new nanotech approaches for producing one-dimensional nanostructures based on designed dislocations rather than metal catalysts to control growth.

Nanotechnology encapsulation delivers RNA interference agents 10-fold more effectively

RNA interference (RNAi) is a way to decrease expression of a specific gene without otherwise affecting the cell, and it therefore could be a very promising treatment for a wide variety of diseases—if it could be reliably delivered into the diseased cell cytoplasm. One possible nanotech solution to this problem takes the form of a… Continue reading Nanotechnology encapsulation delivers RNA interference agents 10-fold more effectively

New memory technology made possible by nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has provided a fourth fundamental two-terminal passive element for electronic circuits.

Will a "'proto-prototype' for a nanoassembler" lead to atomically precise manufacturing?

A special issue of the International Journal of Nanomanufacturing presenting topics on manufacturing in 3D at the nanoscale (derived from the 4th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing held at MIT in November 2006) contains a report of a nanomanipulator for the complex assembly of nanoparticles. Although the press release from Inderscience Publishers, via AAAS EurekAlert (“Are… Continue reading Will a "'proto-prototype' for a nanoassembler" lead to atomically precise manufacturing?

A new glycerol nucleic acid (GNA) building block for structural DNA nanotechnology

A new building block for structural DNA nanotechnology uses a 3-carbon glycerol molecule instead of the 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose found in DNA.

Nanotechnology engineers atomic layer interfaces to produce new electronic materials

The nanotechnology of engineering atomic layer interfaces to produce desired properties—in this case, something called ‘improper ferroelectricity’—promises a technological revolution that may be comparable to the development of modern electronics. From a Stony Brook University news release via ScienceDaily: In the 10 April issue of Nature [abstract], a new artificial material is revealed that marks… Continue reading Nanotechnology engineers atomic layer interfaces to produce new electronic materials

Forever young with nanotechnology

To round out our week in nanotech on an upbeat note, we have Caltech professor Michael Roukes‘ podcast over at Earth & Sky: Forever Young. In addition to the podcast, and there’s more at the Power of Small television show on medical applications of nanotechnology, which also appears to use the title Forever Young. From… Continue reading Forever young with nanotechnology

Nanotech approach kills resistant cancer cells

The peptide nanostructure is activated by a protein-cutting enzyme found on certain cancer cells so that the activated peptide aligns the crown ethers to punch holes in the cancer cell membranes.

Nanotechnology may bring the $100-dollar personal genome in five years

Two companies are applying nanotechnology to develop a really cheap method to sequence individual genomes to make possible individualized medicine.

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