One-shot nanotechnology treatment *cures* colon cancer in mice

Researchers at UCSF and UC Berkeley have found a way to combine a drug with a dendrimer to give a treatment that cures colon cancer in mice ā€” in one treatment. From Single-Dose Drug-Loaded Dendrimer Cures Mice of Colon Cancer In a dramatic demonstration of the power of nanotechnology, a team of investigators has… Continue reading One-shot nanotechnology treatment *cures* colon cancer in mice

Atomically-precise protein folding software aids nanotechnology

For decades we’ve heard of the horrific difficulty of the protein folding problem: how to go from knowledge of a linear sequence of amino acids to the three-dimensional structure of a folded, useful protein? This is needed if we are to use proteins to build 3D structures that we want for nanotechnology. From we… Continue reading Atomically-precise protein folding software aids nanotechnology

Israel's nanotechnology DNA machine detects viruses

From, news of nanotechnology advances at Hebrew University: Tiny machines that patrol the body for invaders are one of nanotechnology’s favourite dreams. But a device made from a single molecule by a team of researchers in Israel sounds remarkably similar. They have built a ‘DNA machine’ that detects a virus by reading its genome,… Continue reading Israel's nanotechnology DNA machine detects viruses

Nanotechnology DNA sensor promises benefits, possible downsides

We are only in the very early stages of nanotechnology bringing new abilities to DNA reading, but the latest such nanotech advance comes from New Mexico Tech profs Peng Zhang and Snezna Rogelj, described in an article by George Zamora: NM Tech Researchers Develop Nanomaterial Bio-sensor New Mexico Tech researchers have developed a highly sensitive… Continue reading Nanotechnology DNA sensor promises benefits, possible downsides

Europe pulls ahead on single-molecule nanotechnology construction

A team from Belgium, Italy, and France has achieved inspiring nanotech results in bonding single molecules to a surface using an AFM (atomic force microscope). From Nature Nanotechnology, which ā€” as of today at least ā€” is kindly giving free access to the full text of the article: Mechanochemistry: targeted delivery of single molecules The… Continue reading Europe pulls ahead on single-molecule nanotechnology construction

Nanotechnology — or maybe chemistry — to make greenhouse gas into feedstock

It can be hard to tell whether a given piece of research is nanotechnology or “just” chemistry. In this case, I would’ve said the latter, but Nanoforum carried the story (free reg. reg’d), so it’s honorary nanotech at least. In any case, it could be important. For years we at Foresight have theorized that nanotech… Continue reading Nanotechnology — or maybe chemistry — to make greenhouse gas into feedstock

NOT nanotechnology investment advice

Regular readers of Nanodot know that we never give nanotechnology investment advice. We are not experts at nanotech investing and our own personal portfolios are dismal. That said, here’s some news from Nanotero (pdf): Nantero Announces Routine Use of Nanotubes in Production CMOS Fabs Carbon Nanotube Electronics Era Has Begun Woburn, MA. November 1, 2006;… Continue reading NOT nanotechnology investment advice

Nanotechnology competition: India vs. Singapore

Here’s a nanotech news item from the Financial Express (India) that shows the challenge that developing countries such as India face in their efforts to leapfrog over intermediate levels of technology directly to operating right at the cutting edge: Indian nanotech firm to move to Singapore Singapore, November 1: Bangalore-based nanotechnology firm Qtech Nanosystems has… Continue reading Nanotechnology competition: India vs. Singapore

IEEE Fellows make nanotechnology timing predictions

IEEE Fellows are a plausible group of engineers to ask about the timing of nanotech and other technology developments. No one is really great at doing this for nanotech, as it is always hard to do in any field and, for nano, more multidiciplinary than any one person can be. So with that in mind,… Continue reading IEEE Fellows make nanotechnology timing predictions

Schools broken, kids clueless? Teach nanotechnology with a game

Today’s young gamers don’t have much patience with boring textbooks and droning teachers. Fortunately, soon this may not hinder them from learning nanotechnology concepts, thanks to the London-based firm PlayGen, which looks like a serious, competent visualization and game producer. Managing director Kam Memarzia reports that the firm has signed up to the challenge of… Continue reading Schools broken, kids clueless? Teach nanotechnology with a game

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