Nanotechnology pulls DNA through nanopore slowly enough to read sequence

Using a magnetic bead to slowly pull a DNA molecule through a solid-sate nanopore looks promising as the basis for a very fast and efficient nanotech DNA sequencing method.

Nanotechnology builds battery on a virus framework

MIT scientists have demonstrated the usefulness of biological frameworks for combining distinct functional elements to make a device.


Reading this essay by Peter Thiel, I was struck by an amusing (though almost certainly coincidental) parallel. Thiel mentions three areas in which people interested in freedom may manage to get out from under the thumb of excessive government: cyberspace, seasteading, and outer space. The parallel is to three fronts on which people are pursuing… Continue reading Mindsteading

Graphene edges closer to atomically precise nanotechnology

Two papers in a recent issue of Science suggest that graphene is rapidly moving from being “just” a nanotech wonder material to becoming relevant to atomically precise nanotechnologies.

Does seasteading need nanotech?

I recently heard a talk by Patri Friedman about seasteading. Seasteading means “homesteading the sea,” or at least building floating cities and establishing permanent residences there, and ultimately alternative polities in hopes of enabling beneficial economic competition in the field of governance. Before saying more, let me point out that I am generally in agreement… Continue reading Does seasteading need nanotech?

Mechanical control of chemical reactions to advance nanotechnology?

A catalyst can be switched on and off using mechanical means.

DNA nanorobot walks without intervention along rigid track

Scientists have succeeded in coordinating the movements of the biped’s legs so that it can walk in one direction along a DNA track without the need of intervention at each step.

Protein design revolution points toward advanced nanotechnology

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania used basic engineering principles derived from studying natural proteins to design from scratch a simple and small protein that performed the function of carrying oxygen that is performed by natural globin proteins.

Nanotechnology without Engines

“The time will come when people will travel in stages moved by steam engines from one city to another, almost as fast as birds can fly, 15 or 20 miles an hour…. A carriage will start from Washington in the morning, the passengers will breakfast at Baltimore, dine at Philadelphia, and sup in New York… Continue reading Nanotechnology without Engines

Robot Scientist

There’s been much note in the blogosphere in recent days about Aberystwyth University’s Robot Scientist project and its Adam robot: Since the project has been going on for quite a few years, the reason it’s suddenly in the news is presumably the publication of a report, The Automation of Science, in Science.

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