Multiple nanotechnology paths lead to harvesting solar energy

Two stories today in ScienceDaily point to different nanotech applications that could enable a solar solution to our energy problems.

Nanotechnology advances toward atomically precise control of nanoparticle surfaces

UK scientists have developed a combined computational and experimental method to determine how specific peptides self-assemble on the surface of a gold nanoparticle.

Nanotechnology tailors carbon nanotubes to deliver cancer treatment in mice

In a study with breast cancer in mice, a nanotech cancer therapy suppresses tumor growth with minimal side effects.

Nanotechnology provides key to turning waste into ethanol

A new nanotech catalyst now enables the efficient conversion of syngas to ethanol.

Nanotechnology combines two different types of nanoparticles for more antibacterial action

A combination of silver and calcium phosphate nanoparticles provides an even more effective nanotech antiseptic.

US citizens weigh in on nanotechnology for human enhancement

The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University is one of two centers funded by the National Science Foundation to study nanotechnology in society. One of their tools for studying the impact of nanotech upon society is the National Citizens’ Technology Forum (NCTF). They have recently published the results of their National Citizens’… Continue reading US citizens weigh in on nanotechnology for human enhancement

Nanotechnology integrates dissimilar nanowire arrays to make sensor circuits

Two different types of nanowires have been integrated on a chip to detect and amplify optical signals.

Nanotechnology shows longer particles better to enter cancer cells

Long particles are internalized by cancer cells more efficiently than are round particles.

Impermeable membrane one atom-thick for nanotechnology

Nanotech has fashioned from graphene a one atom-thick membrane impermeable even to helium gas.

Nanotechnology produces highly conductive, single-molecule junction between electrodes

Nanotech has taken a major step along the road to molecular electronics with the demonstration that one molecule of benzene can form a highly conductive junction between two platinum electrodes.

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