Nanotechnology produces molecular switches that might lead to petabyte electronic memory

Nanotechnology using a molecular-scale switch could enable storing half a petabyte on one square inch.

Artificial atoms produced using nanotechnology may form new type of computer memory

Using nanotechnology to control the spin of a single electron in a carbon nanotube might lead to replacing conventional semiconductor transistors with a carbon nanotube or single molecule.

Coaxial carbon nanotubes used to make nanotechnology cargo hauler

European nanotechnology researchers have moved a gold cargo about 500 nm along a carbon nanotube ‘Monorail”.

Nanotechnology researchers demonstrate concept for new computer memory

IBM scientists provided a proof-of-concept demonstration of a new type of nanotechnology-enabled computer memory in which magnetic domain walls are moved along a nanowire “racetrack”.

Automated molecular evolution as a tool for nanotechnology

Lab-on-a-chip technology has been used to automate the evolution of molecules so that this approach might prove useful for nanotech purposes.

Nanotechnology slows tumor growth by targeting the blood vessels feeding the tumor

Nanoparticles targeted to the growing blood vessels feeding tumors in rabbits shrank the tumors using far less chemotherapy drug than would have been required to shrink the tumors if the drug had been used alone.

Structural DNA nanotechnology builds dodecahedron from three-legged building blocks

Three short DNA strands attached to one aromatic ring containing six carbon atoms form three-legged building blocks that assemble into a dodecahedron.

Nanotechnology fabricates OLEDS for active matrix displays

A proof-of-concept application of nanotechnology to fabricate transparent organic light emitting diodes (OLEDS) small enough to serve as pixels in high-resolution displays might lead to products like flexible color monitors and “heads-up” displays in car windshields. From a Purdue University press release “Engineers make first ‘active matrix’ display using nanowires“: Engineers have created the first… Continue reading Nanotechnology fabricates OLEDS for active matrix displays

Treating spinal cord injury with nanotechnology

Current capabilities in nanotechnology not only promise better vehicles for drug delivery, but also provide materials nanoengineered to promote specific tissue healing.

Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

Snowbird, Utah is the place to be for nanotechnologists on April 22-25 for the 5th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO08): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices. Those of you who have attended Foresight research conferences will recognize a number of familiar names and lots of new ones. Mark Sims of Nanorex tells us that they… Continue reading Do-it-yourself nanotechnology objects from DNA

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