Consistently manufactured drug delivery vehicles through nanotechnology

The use of nanotechnology in treating cancer took a step forward with the demonstration that at least one class of nanoparticles can be manufactured with enough consistency for clinical use.

Structural alphabet of RNA may advance RNA nanotechnology

A developing understanding of non-Watson-Crick interactions places RNA nanotech on a firmer foundation.

Japan takes lead in medical nanorobots

It’s very early days as yet, but Japan is moving forward toward the goal of molecular-level machinery to control nanotechnology-based robotic devices for medicine. In the U.S. and Europe, the poorly-informed sometimes ridicule the prospect of such nanotech robots, but visionary goals are apparently okay in Japan. See the report and video at MSNBC from… Continue reading Japan takes lead in medical nanorobots

Nanotechnology provides switchable nanovalve for potential use in drug delivery

Bistable rotaxanes might be pressed into service as valves so that nanoparticles only release drugs in desired target areas.

Nanotechnology draws and erases conducting lines three nm wide

In yet another approach to using scanning probe microscopy to build better computer memories, nanotech draws and erases lines three nm wide.

Saudis to permit co-ed nanotechnology

We’ve been critical in the past of Saudi Arabia’s policy of having women researchers in nanotechnology (and of course other fields as well) work separately from male researchers. Now King Abdullah has moved personally to fund, at the US$10 billion level, a new graduate-level university with a new policy toward women, to be advised by… Continue reading Saudis to permit co-ed nanotechnology

New theoretical framework for making nanocircuits with nanotechnology

A new theoretical framework for nanotech seeks to use specially designed nanoparticles to create circuits that could lead to optical information processing and optical communication between nanostructures.

Ocean iron fuss is not about nanotechnology

We’ve written here before about the plan to put iron nanoparticles in the ocean as a way to increase growth of plankton, thereby absorbing carbon dioxide. Previously this was to be done by a company called Planktos; now a new company called Climos is making similar plans. There was controversy about Planktos, and no doubt… Continue reading Ocean iron fuss is not about nanotechnology

Nanotechnology uses two-stage vehicle to deliver drugs

As a follow-up to Monday’s post on optimizing nanoparticle design for nanotech drug delivery, the same research group has also demonstrated the advantages of a multistage approach in which micrometer-sized mesoporous particles are used to deliver two different nanoparticles in a way that circumvents some of the biological barriers that bedevil attempts to precisely deliver… Continue reading Nanotechnology uses two-stage vehicle to deliver drugs

Nanotechnology may provide a practical way to store hydrogen

Proponents of replacing gasoline with hydrogen for fueling cars have to find a practical way to store hydrogen. One potential nanotech-based solution is presented by the recent demonstration that hydrogen can form chemical bonds with most of the carbon atoms in single-walled carbon nanotubes of the appropriate diameter (2.0 nm). From “The March of the… Continue reading Nanotechnology may provide a practical way to store hydrogen

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