Human enhancement with or without nanotechnology

The first issue of the journal Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology (free reg req’d) is devoted to the topic of Human Enhancement and includes essays by familiar names (de Grey, Freitas, Wolbring, Cameron) and a number of newer ones. In “Medical Nanorobotics: Breaking the Trance of Futility in Life Extension Research (A Reply to… Continue reading Human enhancement with or without nanotechnology

Future City Competition saves cities with nanotechnology

Nanowerk brings to our attention the Future City Competition, using SimCity software and sponsored by National Engineers Week, which this year is focused on nanotechnology and how to use it to prevent tomorrow’s urban disasters: Future City Students Confront Urban Disasters and Engineer Hope with Nanotechnology Seventh- and eighth-graders in the annual National Engineers Week… Continue reading Future City Competition saves cities with nanotechnology

Nanomachines to fight cancer at California NanoSystems Institute

In the postal mail today is the annual research report (PDF) of the CNSI, California NanoSystems Institute. Last month on Dec. 14 was the dedication ceremony (includes video) for their beautiful new nanotechnology building at UCLA. Thirteen projects were singled out for coverage in this year’s report. Our favorite is “Nano Machine Center for Targeted… Continue reading Nanomachines to fight cancer at California NanoSystems Institute

Which presidential candidate for nanotechnology?

Nanodot readers in the U.S. may be asking, who should I vote for to promote nanotechnology? Good question! Your suggestions are welcome in the comments section. Meanwhile, see this post by Prof. Robin Hanson (inventor of prediction markets, formerly called idea futures) about a tool that could be used to find out more clearly what… Continue reading Which presidential candidate for nanotechnology?

New strategic plan for U.S. Nanotechnology Initiative

On January 2 a press release was issued announcing an updated Strategic Plan (PDF) for the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative. For those of us interested in molecular nanosystems and atomically-precise manufacturing, it’s disappointing. I haven’t read the whole thing, but this is the closest wording I could find on a quick skim: A key challenge… Continue reading New strategic plan for U.S. Nanotechnology Initiative

Debate on radical life extension

One of the Foresight Challenges is “Improving Health and Longevity”, which we take to be a positive goal for nanotechnology and biotech. Not everyone sees it that way, as we find in a recent online debate over at Cato’s online forum called Cato Unbound: Each month, Cato Unbound will present an essay on a big-picture… Continue reading Debate on radical life extension

Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Our favorite nanotechnology VC is Steve Jurvetson, who is interviewed over at from India, which is affiliated with The Wall Street Journal. An excerpt: How are the elements of the nanotech start-up ecosystem different from other sectors? First, it is hard to find human talent because a lot of the really interesting breakthroughs happen… Continue reading Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Nanotechnology: Predictions through 2025

As we close out Nanodot for 2007, we note some predictions for the future of nanotechnology through 2025 from Peter von Stackelberg: “Between the end of the first decade of the 21st century and 2025, a number of gamechangers will need to occur if nanotech is to advance significantly,” von Stackelberg says. These gamechangers include:… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Predictions through 2025

Wall Street considers nanotechnology: audio available

A recent article in the Small Business (sic) section of The New York Times reports that nanomaterials-based firms are starting to head toward public offerings: Nanotechnology companies, nurtured on billions of dollars in government grants and venture investments through most of this decade, are getting ready to go public…At the beginning of this decade, nanotechnology… Continue reading Wall Street considers nanotechnology: audio available

Speed benefits, reduce downsides of nanotechnology by Dec. 31

Only four days left to make your 2007 donation to Foresight, and help us complete our Challenge Grant. See the Challenge web page to see how close we are to meeting our goal. From the page: Please consider making a one-time donation, or renewing/upgrading your membership, to qualify for matching of your donation. You’ll be… Continue reading Speed benefits, reduce downsides of nanotechnology by Dec. 31

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