Which way(s) to advanced nanotechnology?

Will nanotechnology culminate with diamondoid nanorobots produced in nanofactories by atomically precise mechanosynthesis, or with “soft” machines that mimic the way biological molecular machines work?

Light-controlled nanotech brake for molecular machine

Taiwanese researchers have constructed a molecule in which exposure to light causes causes the molecule to change shape so that rotation of one part of the molecule with respect to another part can no longer occur.

Artificial organelles: nanotechnology beyond simple drug delivery

The same nanotech approaches being explored to deliver drugs exactly to the cells where they are needed also provide a technology base that might lead to permanent enhancements of human metabolism.

Nanotechnology combines multiple molecules of drug to prevent HIV infection

Attaching 12 molecules of an HIV drug to a gold nanoparticle enabled the drug to prevent HIV infection in cultured patient cells.

Kavli prize honors nanotechnology researchers

Two researchers were rewarded with the 2008 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience for their pioneering discoveries of quantum dots and carbon nanotubes.

Nanotechnology demonstration of room-temperature graphene transistors

In yet another step toward making nanotech transistors from graphene nanoribbons, chemically-prepared graphene nanoribbons less than 10 nm wide were found to be uniformly room-temperature, field-effect transistors.

Nanotechnology builds artificial virus for possible therapeutic use

Filament-shaped artificial viruses show promise in delivering genetic materials and other molecules into cultured human cells.

A golden crown for nanotechnology

Chinese scientists have recently built an atomically precise structure directed by bonds between gold atoms—a crown of 36 gold atoms coordinating surrounding organic molecules.

Nanotechnology proposed for real-time monitoring of biohazard infections

Current nanotech capabilities have been incorporated into a proposed architecture for medical nanorobots to control epidemic diseases.

Nanotechnology could revolutionize diagnostics

A nanotech barcode could revolutionize medical diagnostics by providing a very sensitive method of counting individual messenger RNA molecules.

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