Nanotechnology: adding graphene to make superior polymers

Nanotech materials useful for a wide variety of applications may result from the discovery that adding very small amounts of graphene to polymers greatly increases the desirable properties of the polymers.

Nanotechnology makes radiation therapy of cancer more effective

A nanotech approach to overcoming the resistance of some cancer cells to radiation therapy has been successfully tested in mice.

Call to prevent carbon nanotubes from becoming the 'asbestos' of nanotechnology

The safe commercialization of nanotech will require special attention to the manufacture and disposal of materials using carbon nanotubes.

A nanotechnology approach to making thin film solar cells more efficient

Nanowires of indium phosphide grown directly on an electrode greatly increase the flow of electrons through a polymer film to the electrode.

Self-regulation comes to molecular nanotechnology

Arizona State University chemists have demonstrated a nanotech version of molecular self-regulation by designing a molecule that mimics the way in which plants defend themselves from an overload of sunshine.

Nanotechnology produces material to almost instantly stop bleeding

In an application of nanotechnology to medicine, a nanotech material has been produced that self-assembles in the presence of bodily fluids into highly hydrated fibers that stop bleeding within 15 seconds.

Synthetic transport of cargo for nanotechnology applications

Nanotechnology can use catalytic motors to convert chemical to mechanical energy, using fuels that are chemically simpler than ATP and catalysts that are simpler than enzymes.

Panel to discuss productive nanosystems Sunday night

Sunday, May 18th at 7:00 PM Pacific / 10:00 PM Eastern, FastForward Radio will feature a distinguished panel discussing the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems. The panel will discuss the background and history of the roadmap, and explore how it will serve to help realize these horizons. The panelists are: Christine Peterson, Acting President of… Continue reading Panel to discuss productive nanosystems Sunday night

Nanotechnology online: gamers invited to aid protein design

Can online gamers add to the nanotech toolkit for perfecting the de novo design of proteins that do not exist in nature?

Integrating nanotechnology with silicon wafer technology

Using a spin-on coating that is applied to a silicon wafer, nanotech researchers have developed a method for mass fabrication of nanowire photonic and electronic devices.

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