We found 230 results for your search.

Mechanical control of chemical reactions to advance nanotechnology?

A catalyst can be switched on and off using mechanical means.

Conference to tackle ethics of nanotechnology and human enhancement

Conference to tackle what they claim is “the single most important issue in science & society in this century.”

Real-time quality control for nanotechnology

Two publications in the current issue of the IOP journal Nanotechnology report techniques that may bring real-time quality control to two different nanotech fabrication methods.

Ordered high density arrays of self-assembled copolymer for nanotechnology

A sawing and annealing process that creates regular nanoscale features on the surface of a sapphire crystal promises a way of making nanotech memories of up to 10 Terabits per square inch without the need of photolithography.

Nanotechnology oversight issues moving forward in Congress

The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, via AAAS EurekAlert, brings us an update on federal efforts to address the potential environmental, health and safety (EHS) risks posed by engineered nanomaterials. “New House bill addresses need for more risk research, oversight“: The House Science and Technology Committee [on January 15] introduced legislation that highlights the growing attention… Continue reading Nanotechnology oversight issues moving forward in Congress

Will realization of the seriousness of climate change push the development of molecular nanotechnology?

The answers of 151 thinkers and visionaries to the Edge Annual question for 2009 have been posted. The question: “WHAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING?” As phrased by John Brockman, Editor and Publisher, “What game-changing scientific ideas and developments do you expect to live to see?” In his answer, nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler points to a role… Continue reading Will realization of the seriousness of climate change push the development of molecular nanotechnology?

Why the DMS debate is a good thing for nanotech

One of the main reasons that we are confident in the overall predictions of molecular manufacturing is that there are many pathways to it from current technology and using currently understood science. It is thus something of a milestone that we have arrived at a fork in the road about which there is room for… Continue reading Why the DMS debate is a good thing for nanotech

Foresight — with Peripheral Vision: Nanotech & AI forecast from Josh Hall

Josh Hall, author of Nanofuture: What’s Next for Nanotechnology, sends this message to Nanodot readers: Dear Foresight members & friends, It’s the time of year when many of you are renewing your Foresight memberships, and helping us meet our $30,000 goal for our Challenge Grant by December 31: https://foresight.org/challenge I believe that the next decade… Continue reading Foresight — with Peripheral Vision: Nanotech & AI forecast from Josh Hall

Functionally connecting protein domains adds to nanotechnology toolbox

Scientists were able to engineer functional communication between two unrelated proteins by taking advantage of the fact that each protein exhibits allosteric regulation.

Consortium for atomically precise manufacturing awarded $9.7 M to develop advanced nanotechnology

DARPA and a Texas fund have awarded $9.7M to investigate one nanotech path toward atomically precise manufacturing.

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