Nanoparticles ameliorate MS in mice by inducing immune tolerance of myelin

In the first mouse model of the progressive form of multiple sclerosis, nanoparticles that created immune tolerance to myelin prevented the development of progressive MS.

Inexpensive transparent conductors from correlated metal nanostructures

Highly correlated electron motions resembling electron liquids rather than electron gases, and found in some transition metal oxides, may enable inexpensive substitution for expensive displays.

Active and reversible control of nanoparticle optical properties

Electrochemically modifying individual metallic nanoparticles and pairs of such nanoparticles enabled reversible tuning of their optical properties, including charge transfer plasmon formation in nanoparticle pairs.

Rolling DNA-based motors increase nano-walker speeds 1000-fold

Coating micrometer-sized glass spheres with hundreds of DNA strands complementary to an RNA covering a glass slide enables the sphere to move, with the help of an enzyme that digests RNA bound to complementary DNA, a thousand times faster than conventional DNA-walkers.

Octopodal nanoparticles combine catalytic, plasmonic functions

Eight-armed nanoparticles of gold coated with a gold-palladium alloy proved to be both efficient plasmonic sensors and efficient catalysts, even though gold alone is not normally a good catalyst and palladium is a poor plasmonic material.

Novel nanoconjugate delivers synergistic combination of microRNAs to treat cancer

Two microRNAs with synergistic effects, one that suppresses tumor growth and another than inhibits tumor promotion, are combined in an RNA triple helix, complexed with a dendrimer to form nanoparticles, which are incorporated with a polymer to form a hydrogel that inhibits tumor growth when applied to the tumor.

Ultrasensitive microRNA assay with nanosensor to detect cancer

A nanotechnology-based sensor provides fast, inexpensive, ultrasensitive assay of microRNA pattern to detect cancer using DNA immobilized on a synthetic gold nanoprism.

Using DNA nanotechnology to position molecules with atomic precision

German researchers have used scaffolded DNA origami to adjust the angle of a DNA hinge joint by altering the length of special “adjuster helices”, causing molecules attached to the sides of the hinge to be displaced by as little as 0.04 nm.

Single-molecule light-driven nanosubmarine

Each time a laser pulse actuates the cis-trans isomerization of a single carbon-carbon double bond, a single-molecule nanosubmarine made of 244 atoms is driven forward 9 nm against Brownian diffusion.

Atomic precision in sculpting 3-D objects

Nanometer-level control of the beam path of a scanning transmission electron microscope nudges an amorphous material into atomically precise epitaxial growth.

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