Unrelated de novo enzyme replaces essential enzyme in cell

The first proposal of a path from then current technology to the ability to fabricate complex materials and devices by placing the atoms where you want them was made by Richard Feynman in 1959: “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom“, but see also this series “Feynman Path to Nanotechnology“. The second proposal to achieve… Continue reading Unrelated de novo enzyme replaces essential enzyme in cell

Physicists suppress ‘stiction’ force that bedevils microscale machinery

A possible top-down path to atomically precise manufacturing that passes through microscale machinery might be rendered easier because of recent progress in suppressing the Casimir force, which contributes to the ‘stiction’ problem often encountered with microelectromechanical systems.

Debate: "How do we get there from here?" at SME nano conference

Here we present a special report from Dave Conz of ASU on Josh Hall’s talk and subsequent panel discussion at the SME nanotech conference.  An excerpt: Technoscientific development is difficult to direct and nearly impossible to predict.  Because of this – not in spite of it – panel discussions like “How Do We Get There… Continue reading Debate: "How do we get there from here?" at SME nano conference

Matterhorn sculpture demos 3D patterning at 15 nm level (IBM video)

PhysOrg.com brings news and a video of a new 3D patterning technique from IBM that reaches down to 15 nm resolution which “could go even smaller”: IBM Research in Zurich has demonstrated a new nanoscale patterning technique that could replace electron beam lithography (EBL). The demonstration carved a 1:5 billion scale three-dimensional model of the… Continue reading Matterhorn sculpture demos 3D patterning at 15 nm level (IBM video)

Accelerating Future » RepRap “Mendel” to be Released Soon!

Accelerating Future » RepRap “Mendel” to be Released Soon!. Nicw round-up with videos of the latest in the Rep-Rap world.

Nanoscale Wear

One of the major problems for micromachines, much less nanomachines, is wear. The phenomenon of stiction combines the two worst aspects of surface-to-surface interaction — a high coefficient of friction and a locally-generated high applied force — to cause enormous problems. At the very smallest scale, once we gain complete control over atomic configuration, superlubricity… Continue reading Nanoscale Wear


There’s a nice article over at the Singularity Hub that’s a round-up of currently-available haptics devices.  They seem primarily excited over the prospects of haptics in gaming, but there are two reasons we’re interested in developments. First is simply telerobotics, as in Feynman Path manipulation.  We want the feedback to help develop an intuitive feel… Continue reading Haptics

Self-replicating machines and risk

Engineering and analysis in the field of SRMs is unusual in many ways.  Eric Drexler has posted a paper about differences in evolutionary capacity in mechanical and biological systems that’s worth a look. Purely coincidentally, we at Foresight have been discussing self-replication in the context of the Feynman Path and I came up with an… Continue reading Self-replicating machines and risk

CCC / CRA Robotics Roadmap

The CCC/CRA, a consortium of academic computer science departments (essentially), has a roadmap to future robotics that has some implications for the Feynman Path. Some highlights (from the chapter on manufacturing): Vignette 2: One-of-a-kind, discrete-part manufacture and assembly A small job shop with 5 employees primarily catering to orders from medical devices companies is approached… Continue reading CCC / CRA Robotics Roadmap

Feynman’s Path to Nanotech (part 10)

Just Do It It’s the 20th anniversary of the first Foresight Conference this year. Over the intervening two decades, one of the most common questions of Foresight members and supporters has been, “What can I do to help with the development of nanotech?”  Foresight has had many useful programs, and encouraged development in many ways… Continue reading Feynman’s Path to Nanotech (part 10)

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