Presenter Alexis Courbet Alexis Courbet, PhD., PharmD., is an HHMI research associate at the institute for protein design (IPD), at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine. Dr. Courbet joined the IPD in 2016 to investigate computational approaches…. Alexis’s research proposes to investigate computational design rules to rationally install biochemical energy driven dynamic and mechanical… Continue reading Alexis Courbet | Towards Computational Design of Self Assembling &Genetically Encodable Nanomachines
Presenter Allison Duettmann, Foresight Institute Allison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Groups, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees. She shares Foresight’s work with the public, for instance at the Wall Street Journal, SXSW, O’Reilly AI, WEF, The Partnership… Continue reading DeSci Boston 2022 | Foresight Tech Trees
Presenter Grace Han, Brandeis University Grace was born and raised in South Korea where she attended POSTECH and received BS in Chemistry. She spent a year in UC Berkeley and worked in the laboratory of Prof. Jeffrey Long to perform research in metal-organic frameworks. Then she pursued PhD in Chemistry at MIT… Harnessing Photoinduced Phase… Continue reading Grace Han | Harnessing Photoinduced Phase Transition of Organic Materials for Energy Storage
Presenters Stefan Borsley Stefan is a postdoctoral researcher at the university of Manchester as part of the David Leigh group, exploring fundamental ways to control molecular-level dynamics and topology. Presentation: Molecular Ratchets The interesting stuff is far from equilibrium – how do we build systems that get there? Flagella, ATP synthase, and dynein are natural… Continue reading Stefan Borsley | Molecular Ratchets
Presenters John Randall, Zyvex Labs John Randall is currently President/CEO at Zyvex Labs. Prior to Zyvex, John spent 15 years with Texas Instruments (TI) where he worked in high resolution processing for integrated circuits, MEMS, and quantum effect devices and also worked at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory on ion beam and x-ray lithography… Read More Sergei… Continue reading John Randall & Sergei Kalinin | Ready for Atomically Precise Manufacturing & Electron Microscopy
Presenters Franz Giessibl, Universität Regensburg Franz Giessibl currently works at the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Universität Regensburg. Franz does research in Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental Physics, Electronics and Mechanics. Giessibl spent most of his professional career improving atomic force microscopy and published papers on ground breaking experiments, instrumentation and theoretical foundations of atomic… Continue reading Franz Giessibl | Chemical Bonds to Atoms Resolved by Subatomically Resolved Atomic Force Microscopy
Presenter Damien Sluysmans, Université de Liège Damien Sluysmans focuses on Nanomaterials, Surface Science, Atomic Force Microscopy, and Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy at Universite de Liege…. Read More Single Molecule Focus Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Tweezers Optical tweezers are beads suspended by an optical trap, with a molecule of interest suspended between them. Atomic Force… Continue reading Damien Sluysmans | Single Molecule Focus
Presenters Ted Kaehler is an American computer scientist known for his role in the development of several system methods. He is particularly noted for his contributions to Smalltalk and Squeak programming languages and other technologies developed at Xerox PARC and Apple’s HyperCard system… Read More Ayusman Sen, Pennsylvania State University Ayusman Sen is a professor… Continue reading T. Kaehler, A. Sen, V. Garcia-Lopez, A. Lippert | Bio Inspired Approaches to Molecular Machines
Presenters Joe Lyding, Beckman Institute Joe Lyding is a distinguished professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinios. His career includes constructing the first atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscope, discovering new industrial uses for deuterium, studying quantum size effects… Read More Leonhard Grill, University of Graz Leonhard Grill is a professor at… Continue reading J. Lyding & L. Grill | Silicon-Based Nanotechnology & Manipulating Single Molecules on Surfaces
Presenter Ken Houk, UCLA Ken Houk is a computational organic chemist whose quantum mechanical and molecular dynamics simulations have elucidated structural and dynamical features of synthetic nanomachines. He is the winner of the 2021 Foresight Institute Feynman Prize for Theory… Read More The Dynamics of Molecular Gears Ken’s lab investigates pericyclases and the 6 +… Continue reading Ken Houk | The Dynamics of Molecular Gears