Time magazine cover article on the Singularity, Ray Kurzweil, AI and nanotechnology

Thanks to Terry Miller for bringing to our attention prominent and generally favorable coverage of the Singularity. The cover of the February 21, 2011 issue of Time is devoted to an article by Lev Grossman titled “2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal”. The article can be found online at http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2048138,00.html. The article develops smoothly from Raymond Kurzweil’s appearance on a game show called I’ve Got a Secret in 1965 to his work on artificial intelligence leading toward the Singularity.

The difficult thing to keep sight of when you’re talking about the Singularity is that even though it sounds like science fiction, it isn’t, no more than a weather forecast is science fiction. It’s not a fringe idea; it’s a serious hypothesis about the future of life on Earth. There’s an intellectual gag reflex that kicks in anytime you try to swallow an idea that involves super-intelligent immortal cyborgs, but suppress it if you can, because while the Singularity appears to be, on the face of it, preposterous, it’s an idea that rewards sober, careful evaluation.

After a brief but very informative survey of the concept of the Singularity, covering nanotechnology and life extension as well as artificial intelligence:

A hundred years from now, Kurzweil and de Grey and the others could be the 22nd century’s answer to the Founding Fathers — except unlike the Founding Fathers, they’ll still be alive to get credit — or their ideas could look as hilariously retro and dated as Disney’s Tomorrowland. Nothing gets old as fast as the future.

But even if they’re dead wrong about the future, they’re right about the present. They’re taking the long view and looking at the big picture. You may reject every specific article of the Singularitarian charter, but you should admire Kurzweil for taking the future seriously. Singularitarianism is grounded in the idea that change is real and that humanity is in charge of its own fate and that history might not be as simple as one damn thing after another. Kurzweil likes to point out that your average cell phone is about a millionth the size of, a millionth the price of and a thousand times more powerful than the computer he had at MIT 40 years ago. Flip that forward 40 years and what does the world look like? If you really want to figure that out, you have to think very, very far outside the box. Or maybe you have to think further inside it than anyone ever has before.

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