Our Vision Weekends are the annual member festivals of Foresight Institute. Held in two countries, over two weekends, top talent across biotechnology, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, computing, and space are encouraged to burst their tech silos, and plan for flourishing long-term futures.
This year, our global community are invited to gather:
● Vision Weekend Europe | November 18-20: at Chateau du Feÿ, Villecien, a laboratory for the future disguised as a stunning 17th century castle, 90 minutes outside of Paris.
● Vision Weekend US | December 2 – 4: at the Internet Archive in San Francisco and Sunday’s afternoon sessions at the Bird House Villa in the Berkeley Hills.
When to be where
Friday, Dec 2
SPONSORS, PATRONS, SPEAKERS, FELLOWS: 6.30 – 8.30 pm @Hillsborough Villa,1868 Floribunda Ave, Hillsborough, CA 94010, USA | Pre-drinks, pool reception, cello, and culinary surprises
Saturday, Dec 3
EVERYONE: 9 am – 6 pm @Internet Archive, 300 Funston Avenue | main Vision Weekend program
SPONSORS, PATRONS, SPEAKERS, FELLOWS stay for evening VIP activities, including a speaker dinner, photo booth, tea time, Feynman Prize awards & party
Sunday, Dec 4
SPONSORS, PATRONS, SPEAKERS, FELLOWS: 10 am @Bird House,11 Drury Court, Berkeley Hills | Speaker brunch
EVERYONE joins at 11.30 am for the day program, and stays late for tea socials, and an orchestra sunset over the Berkeley Hills.
You cannot park here. Please take Uber or one of the shuttles that run every 15 minutes between the Rockridge BART Plaza, at the corner of College Ave and Keith Ave, and the Bird House, from 9.30 am – 6 pm.
On Day 1 we’ll take stock of the tech stack of today (and tomorrow)
On Day 2 we’ll shape those default tech trajectories toward future of Existential Hope.
As usual, both events will come with VIP assemblies at a few surprise locations for our Patron donors.
Confirmed Presenters across Vision Weekends
The Big Picture
Future of Life Awards & Initiatives
The History and Future of Progress
Your Everyday Life with 100+
Flourishing Futures
Existential Hope
Forecasting the Next 100 Years
Creating a Library for Democracy
World-building Wonderful Worlds with AI
Existential Hope
Science & Art as Building Blocks for the Future
Biorisks, Nanorisks, Defense
Differential Tech Development & Policy for Navigating XRisk
Bottlenecks in Drug Discovery
Partial Reprogramming and Complementary Interventions for Comprehensive Rejuvenation
Your Everyday Life with 100+
Cellular Reprogramming: Why It’s Hard & Where To Start
Space & Longevity: The Final Frontier?
What I Learned From Keeping A Tab on 150+ Longevity Companies
Foresight Patrons Personal Longevity
Following the Data: Key Trends in Rejuvenation Medicine
Longevity Investing 1-1
Cryonics Q&A & Sign-up
Reprogramming Longevity
Longevity Blindspots & the 10th Hallmark of Aging
What May We Hope From Regenerative Medicine?
ML for Methylation Clocks, Daphnia for Cryopreservation
Foresight Patrons Personal Longevity
The Future of Programming & Molecular Machines
DNA Camcorder: Movies of Cell Development for DNA Diaries
Building With DNA Nanotech
A Modern Software Stack for Bioinformatics
Open Ended Scientific Discovery Platforms
Turing-Complete Chemputing
Nanobuilders, Assemble!
DNA Molecular Machines
Cell Fate Plug and Play: Single-cell Genomics and ML
Mitochondrial Heat Production
Economic Implications of Human-Brain Emulations
Neurotech Progress: Theory vs Practice
A Neuroscientist’s Toolbox
Training Safe and Cooperative AI in a Game World
AI Progress: Today, Tomorrow, And The Day After
The Neurotech Tree
Near-term Neurotech & Ethical Conundra
What Can You Expect From BCIs in the Medium-Term?
Optical Computing Breakthroughs for AI
The Future of Biology is Quantum
New Frontiers Unlocked Via Cryptography Tools
Computational Markets: Civilization As Superintelligence
What You Need to Know About Nation State Spyware
What Does A Private Cryptocommerce Mean For You?
Code & Law
Secure, Compose, Cooperate!
DeSci: The What, Why and How
The Intelligent Cooperation Tech Tree
From Wet Labs to Web Labs
Decentralized Society & Soul-bound Tokens
DeSci, DeSo, De[Next]: Future Systems That Empower the Individual
Gaming the Future: Technologies for Intelligent Voluntary Cooperation
Mining Blackholes For Energy
Satellites & Space Debris
Where Is My Flying Car?
Geo-engineering Promises & Pitfalls
Space Tech Funding: Earth, Moon, Mars & Beyond
Nuclear, Now!
The Space Technology Tree
Biotech, Automation & Space
Why Alien Life May Be Weirder Than You Think
The Sun in a Bottle: The Promises & Pitfalls of Nuclear Fusion
DeSci & Differential Tech Development
Private ARPAs for long-term progress in materials and manufacturing?
Government vs. Academia vs. Private Funding
Funding the Commons Via Web3
Focused Research Organizations Wishlist
Building A Charter City
Institutional Experiments to Accelerate Longevity
The New Geometry of Innovation
A VC’s Role in Translating Science into Technology
Building a charter city
From Institutions to Extitutions
Learning from Dropouts, Renegades, Deep Technologists
Prototyping Foresight 2.0
We Need an Invention Factory for Bioengineering
With many more to come!
Come for the ideas: make friends across disciplines, generations, and continents who are similarly on the path to creating positive futures. Join panels, focus groups, mentorship hours, tech demos, sign-ups, and more. Stay for the festivities: breakfast boogies, mentorship hours, goal-setting jams, art vernissages, rocket company tours, and plenty of time for calm reflection; alone, or in groups.
Discussions and VIP events are happening in magical places such as a Castle outside of Paris, the Internet Archive in San Francisco, a villa in Hillsborough, the Bird House in the Berkeley Hills, and a private space gallery.